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BOOGEYMAN 72 · Junior Member


  • yeah stonedjesus. many of us have been hit by these cheaters. its really hard to put money into a game that lets hackers roam freely throughout their programming when they make millions off of us every day. I just wish there was a way for them to stop this crap at once. I wish they would hire more people too. Seems like…
  • I agree with you areias. We spend a huge amount of money for the rides we have and damned hackers come in and take them. How do they get our info ? Well that is part of the hacking they are doing now. First it was pink hacking. I lost 3 cars last week to this bullcrap. I won the race and it shows my car being loaded up at…
  • I know it is Sunday and all but a "MULTI MILLION " dollar making corp like this one .... you would think they would have SOMEONE release a statement saying something like ... pull your shyt together folks...we are working on it! Oh, and for your troubles here is a BRAND NEW EDITION RACE CAR FOR FREEEEE... right............
  • Yeah me and half of my team were hit with this crap. I think we are getting close to losing the car in which we always win. I mean come on.... my team alone probably buys a thousand dollars in gems for these turfs per week. I'm speculating of course but I know how much I spend a week. I could have bought a used damned car…

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