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C y r u s


  • Updated and guess what? The tach doesn’t light up like the launch button, the nos issue is still there and still getting error codes. Was anything actually fixed?
  • The Munsters car, Christine, The clown truck from maximum overdrive, a hearse, the car from the wraith etc... all would be cool Halloween cars
  • Nothing. Save em til these morons actually fix their game
  • Please don't give these guys any new ideas, they have enough on their plate with fixing their broken game.
  • Fixes? Lmao ya right! All your gonna get is new content. Fixes take too long and just make a bigger mess
  • @crazyjr I feel your pain. The brain trust that's making decisions for the game have completely taken tuning out of the game. Not sure why there is even an option for stages anymore, just offer pro parts and be done with it. Tuning (an art form that made the game interesting) is a thing of the past. Now maxed is all that…
  • Also next time, don't start a new acct then sync it to google play or his log in info will be linked to the new acct
  • Email Carbonated or use the help button in game. Tell them what happened and give them all of the acct info. He will most likely have to create another acct that they can sync his old acct to. Also tell your friend that when he wants to delete and reinstall the game, log out of google play or Game Center before deleting…
  • With the new shift points, you e basically put training wheels on the game. Why not just add auto launch so no one ever spins again and everyone gets 0.000 rt?
  • The game is so choppy, laggy and just a mess right now. Half the time you can't join lobbies and have a hard time challenging people. Error codes all over the place and basically just another train wreck of an update that was, once again, rushed out too soon. I play on an iPhone 7 plus with only 3 apps on my phone, 7 songs…
  • Just noticed something with rims from the fast and furious racer club. The pink ace rims show a pink rim with black spokes but when you try em on a car they are all pink with a black lip. They don't even look like the same rims
  • without gs cars like the Renault turbo, lambo huracan and subi wrc are useless piles of crap. I say keep gs in and if you want to be competitive, learn how to do it.
  • @greenstaged I understand that, I'm just saying that a fix like that will surely mess up things elsewhere just like every update does.
  • Just don't get the whole revamp of the tach. I understand showing the shift points for new players but in doing so, you destroyed up launch. You can't gauge when to start revving. You could have set the shift points without completely redesigning the tach and making launch harder. Just don't get why every update has to…
  • The problem I have, with every update comes major problems with the game. They can't even give out a free car without it causing problems. What problems are gonna be created because they went in and did away with ghost shifting? Are old lobby ratings gonna return because the last lobby shift was done wrong and killed…
  • I don't get the whole cloak and dagger crap with this game. It's a damn game, why not just lay out the plan to the community so that players may actually sit back and wait for those things to unfold. Without an answer in sight, many are just saying F&$K this and moving on. It's not like your trading military intelligence…
  • @BLKSTANG007 back when mills were $15 you were still able to farm the cash you needed for the most part and many didn't buy mills back then. That said, with farming completely gone, the BM eventual eliminated and your only source of mills is to buy em in game for $15, yes many will leave. Many won't spend $100 for 6.6…
  • @greenstaged you said it right. Those who got to where they are by exploiting the BM are now the ones who are making decisions to kill it. The backlash and overwhelming hate for these guys is so well deserved and if they aren't careful in their decisions, they will be hitting the unemployment line sooner than later. At $15…
  • @greenstaged if Carbonated shuts down all the mills dealers and the only way to get mills is to buy them in game for $50, racing rivals would be a dead game within a month. Even $5 a mill in game would cripple the game beyond repair. Carbonated needs to take a realistic approach towards in game currency. At $5 a mill, do…
  • Can't farm for 500k anymore since all campaign cars are locked and if you sell em back they only give you $1. These decisions are a joke and for someone who has made money off of this game from his tunes and such, Daniel has completely turned and is helping drive mills sky high so Carbonated can lower there's a little and…
  • Smh... just pathetic
    in Mills Comment by C y r u s August 2017
  • These moron's changed the events lmao. This is getting ridiculous. It's almost a clinic on how not to run a business. Keep kicking your customers in the teeth and eventually they will tell you to F$&K off and move on
  • Are you all glad Daniel is part of the team now? Are you all glad that a true "racer" is helping make decisions? I sure as hell am not!!! Every decision has lead from bad to worse and these morons can't seem to figure that out. Very hard to see beyond the greed with the way things are being run now. It's just so…
  • @JayTunedAWD don't fall for these dumb traps. There are a ton of legit people out there. As a general rule, if I were to hit someone up for a trade, I expect to go first. If someone hits me up for a trade, they are going first since they hit me up asking for the deal.
  • Just stupid... All the changes lately are just so stupid and it's taken tuning completely out of the game. Just max everything cause any tuned car in the game is pretty much useless in turf. Those making decisions should be taken outside and beaten.
  • @greenstaged you see when factoring in the new points scale you gotta take into account the math that goes into it. First you have to add the rrc value of the car then divide that by the gem cost of said car. Multiply that by the horsepower on the car then remove the last number in the equation. After that you do the hokey…
  • I don't get the mindset and I probably never will. Let's add new content, change prizes, bring new cars, and on and on yet let's not fix what's actually broken in the game.. I just don't get it! It's always like this, let's add and add yet not fix what doesn't work.
  • John is right. Lobbies are 1630, 1635, 1640, 1645, 1650, 1656, 1663, 1668, 1673, 1681, and then 1682+
  • Ya it's called mass bans of anyone with mills
  • Yes dual conversion is back. Just raced a 1689 Mazda 787b. I'm sure carbonated will tell you it's a clean race and that pinks are at your own risk blah blah blah. It's been well over a year and chat still doesn't work so don't expect a quick fix for this one.

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100 AgreesPhotogenicSecond Anniversary100 Comments25 Likes5 LOLs25 AgreesName Dropper5 Likes5 AgreesFirst AnniversaryFirst Comment10 Comments