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  • All I know is, one week you couldn't touch my 1659 ZR-1 with a win/lose ratio of roughly 9 out of 10 races won, and the next I couldn't win 3 out of ten ( not to mention that without changing anything to the ZR-1 from that one week to the next my cars rating went up 1 point to 1660). RR most definitely changed something.
  • They have definitely changed the room caps. My ZR-1 was at 1659 and now I can tune it up to 1661 so far and still join the same room. And my Viper GTS-R is the same way.
  • There's no question the actual game play is very good, but as it has been said more than once in these forums, this is a game that has been unbalanced by the cost of your options in game and the lack of dev support when it comes to the hackers/scammers. If you are the type of person with all the desposable cash at hand to…
  • I've had repairs take as long as 20 hours and upgrades up to 10+ hours...its all just a big scam to get you to spend and buy gems to speed up this insane game system.
  • I was gonna say, who would ask for a 1 damage setup when they currently are running a tune with 0 damage....
  • Actually he never asked anyone in this thread how they had ANy of there cars set up, I offered up what info I did freely without being asked. Re-read his original post.
  • I still think there are bugs in the app as far as the SC issue. I can go to my garage and look at my account and see I have a 5 didgit SC but if im on the track and select my avatar I see it shows I have 0 SC....hmmmm
  • Yup, So far after you complete the S class campaign thats it for the campaign section of the game....that is until and IF the devs add on to it at a later date.
  • I got one and so far have it upgraded up to stage 2 on most of it and have a top time so far of 8.6 @ 950 HP.
  • I even contacted them about this and was given a reply that more or less flat out says " we gots to get paid". That in itsself I don't have that big of an issue with but the way they put it was truely an insult to my intelligence when, if you have ever bought cash or gems, its obvious that its all about money when the…
  • My fellow racers...it's pretty simple really. If an App has In-app purchases ranging up to $99.99. it's safe to say that that apps devs are only interested in one thing, your money not your happiness...sad but true.

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