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Jon Cooke


  • My team is Flawless, however I am level 200, not 201 and just the past few days of turfs I went from 194 to 200 so idk how I would have scammed you being at level 201 when I haven't even got that far yet and was nowhere close to 201 when I'm assuming you are claiming I scammed you
  • Either that or he has the wrong person I have a pic of myself as my pic on RR not a fat white girl that is funny though lol and my name is JON COOKE on RR just as he typed it, but I have no idea why he's saying I tried to scam him .
  • I see that I actually think I know who it is about a week ago somone pinks me in a mclaren while I was in a stella and I won and they begged for their car back and I kept saying no and they said they put me on some sort of bounty list or something this is prolly the kid lol
  • Who even scams for a mclaren anyways ? That's lame af if I wanted a mclaren I'm sure some idiot in a maxed mclaren would pinks my zr1 and get shiit on
  • How about you Mclern how to spell and get my name off the forums as a scammer I have never scammed anyone I have sold and traded hundreds of cars

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