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  • U call people a scammer like it's the norm ...ura bitch made pussie I will be online rite now .run ur car not ur cock sucker
    in . Comment by New9eeer January 2016
  • I was hoping to get some good legit races from my comments ..not a fudge packing homo tryna flirt
    in . Comment by New9eeer January 2016
  • U don't have more vouchers then me fuk off fuk boy ....u can think whatever u want ..keep ur 2cents bitch ...I'm more legit then u will ever be ..
    in . Comment by New9eeer January 2016
  • Run that 56 m2 re ...1mill pinks if u want it
    in . Comment by New9eeer January 2016
  • I'm a scammer???lol ur a fukn tard ..sick mofo grown ass man talking bout bleeding assholes hahaha fukn shame
    in . Comment by New9eeer January 2016
  • Lol Ya ok..u crush m2re for 70 pts .?? Doubt that..I will be hitiing u up soon ..free up some space on ur list...
    in . Comment by New9eeer January 2016
  • Haters I...u need me to blow his doors off cherry lmao
    in . Comment by New9eeer January 2016

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