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  • You are pretty wrong. Having trust doesn't mean selling a thing worth $20 to someone for $200. That would be betrayal. I am pretty sure its just a rip off if not entirely a $150 scam. Make sure you all combine and go to the cops if someone runs off with your $150 next. Anyways its not my money so I am done with providing…
  • So. Simple question. Why a $150 forum software when a free one with same features is available? Maybe quote the differences that make you spend $150 over a free one with same features? Or is it just some kind of scam buildup to run off with ppls money when you don't even have one turf car. Or Is it @shtoobie ?
  • The thing is. I have no problems if he sponsors the amount on his own. But since he intends to make it a public sponsored thing taking money off several people. The costs need to be accounted for since it concerns real money. $150 scammed off ten people would be bad. Wouldn't it?
  • Just pointing out the things @"Stoner Problems" which people sitting at home and doing nothing other than watching TV like you obviously cant understand.
  • Anyone wishes to respond. Why a $150 software when a free one with the same features is available? @Caboose1744 @"Hello Hi Hi" @vladdroid @yelisey @iHigh
  • No offence but your claims of 10+ years experience dont exactly compliment with your words. Mind answering the questions I raised above related to forums and databases if you have "10+ years" experience? You agree that a free forum could be a solution which can be built for under $20. yet you are trying to rip ppl off $150…
  • Why exactly are all the entire discussions here related to slandering mods or admins? Admins and mods that show up are just a shiny forums face that looks attractive. Its the real tech guys and programmers behind it that spend sleepless nights holding the website up. Being a developer myself I know how tiring it gets to…
  • I would rather not. I come here to take some time off my lines of codes. I am just pointing the facts out because the entire discussions here were related to becoming mods or admins and cheesy things like banning members, creating categories and boards or having "powers" which doesnt even constitute 1% part of running a…
  • Sorry to burst the bubble but being a web developer with 5+ yr experience myself I dont think this forum thing is gonna go any far except a few kids wasting their money (I am pretty sure 90% will back out at the time of paying) Firstly, A forum doesn't cost $150. I can make a full fledged paid hosting managed forum with a…

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5 Agrees10 CommentsName DropperFirst Comment