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nitromayhem · Junior Member


  • Okay i have a ? So if you win a turf car lets take for example 2 cars known to be overly cloaned by the masses s2k re and subi sport which almost everyone won in pinks nowadays has a buy back on it. So you win it in pinks but notice hey it has a buy back for example lets say 1500 gems and you buy that car back off another…
  • Well then scorpions heart is the accounts owner in ? And the reason behind us and me hear is he can't get a strieght answer from glu but i will make sure he chimes in to this post again and i know he has made serval tickets on the matter and will ask him to make another in these regards of his account and reason why. Im…
  • So then explain how a loyal member of RR and our team since day one has never cloaned car never ran any apk (also been on ios network) never farmed any other account for cash or cars never strayed from the game perimeters gets banned for cloaning cars
  • And another note how are u handling all the cloaned new rwbs that are hitting the market is each player that buys a cloaned rhyme going get banned now lol theres alot of ?s that need answered cause that ban on dark jedi was a major mistake when there is many i mean many others u could be going after and i remember reading…
  • Come on all we want is a answer back and review of the profile to where you saying he cloaned cars were not completely mad maybe a little bit hey people mess up admit your mistakes and lets move on
  • On another if you are chasing down cloans and members how come i counted so many Tokyo wrapped subis this event and not to mention the apk matte red nismo gt3s on firstplace speedster rims trust me i wanted to pink a couple they look nice why sre these memebers free to play the game and known member and respected non…
  • Thank you guys for working your best but hell i done gave up my spot and even if u do get it turned on there only select teams i race for and there full i dont want to bump out a pointing player for a spot so pretty much im SOL out one biggest turfs since i started really to me cause i wasnt around for the copo came on…
  • Trying to be optimistic there will be a solution soon butt my optimism seem to be getting kicked in the nuts its 12:05 lunch time here and im worried not going to get back on by start of wars has any heard a word on a solution or patch
  • Man this waiting paitently is torture im going crazy with out my collection and no one to hang crap on miss my teams
  • Np ya accounts are never never ever deleted your account is safe its sitting idle in RR space waiting to be reconnected to you thats my scare to is that alot of the dishonest will try and pull my account thats why inhave left alot of my personal info for my ticket cause then they dont have all that theres alot of…
  • Sorry PhoenixX i think u miss understood me a bit i didnt mean u all admins have attitudes i meant the fellow racing comunitity ever admins post i ever read with helps been as nice and helpful to there abilities Legend yes from my understanding they can resync your account thats kinda of the same thing im going through as…
  • Hey you know what be a great add to the is a now serving number that way you know your place like at the dmv every here has about the same attitude as there so it fit right lol cause i now i check that stock accouct like a little school girl checking messages lol in hopes of a reply or bam nitromayhem us back in action lol…
  • Just wanted to say thank you again i know its a mess and there is alot of chaos with all these unsynced and missing accounts right now if you all think my ticket is good and right then ill sit and wait idk what else to add to it at this point really not sure never messed up or had really any major issues in my whole year…
  • First let me thank you very much for a reply im going crazy here of my major problem of why fb messed me up i am one of those guys i know its not good but i farm campaigns so thats why i stay un linked from fb cause i use my old phone to run campaigns only on and so i normally link that to fb so i had a account sitting…
  • If it is right the ticket is under IGN: lost nitromayhem and i need to restore my nitromayhem account
  • Some more info that may help I went to clear data cause I was linked to fb and don't like to be linked to fb on my main and always check twice to make sure I am linked to Google play thought I did but I guess I didn't not and long story short upon deleting data and trying to log back into RR with my Google account it…
  • Yeah im running into the same issues even still now turf is over and it was horrible sunday its even more annoying now then it was but really you all havent look into this yet.
  • Yuo that exactly how ye got me back then I was just as stupid wasn't thinking that day I since have wised up again lol I got mW a few rides from jumper and wrongful racer that want to be slick trying to make a quick buck selling of rides they know they couldn't win on there own
  • Couldn't agree more u can't even race free races in turf withOut them hitting u with a tie race if they lose they save there car from damage by insisting a tie and its just as simple has he said. I never been a fan of Facebook there has been nothing but trouble since it came on line
  • One account is level 22 with the max car and other 32 wirh the stock car if that helps any stay safer just noticed that
  • I agree duff this stuff has got to come to a end. point swapping isn't a new thing by any means but it has gotten completely out of hand (bad) and it hurting good teams and players and causing some good players to walk away cant say i have never swapped but after the hsv event i seen all the damage it caused and my team…
  • ya we just ran into both of them took a team members car
  • I shoulda known better new to the game been seeing tons of shady reports on the forums but I wanted a s2000 but bought a evo x for turf instead. Now I spent over 600 hundred in gems lol and I think I have to cancel some free trial tomorrow lol oh well live and learn
  • Ya I can't really do any bout It i replaced it but sucks that had already spent like 30k on upgrades and didn't own cat for more than 24hrs
  • So watch out for Xxninjapro78Xx trying to give away his s2000

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