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thikprik · Junior Member

It's that time again... turf time. Many of us found out the events on Wednesday, however, for those of you tat knew ahead of time to become a PAYING member of another site, found out on Monday what the events are. But again, Glu has nothing to do with this. It's all about making a buck from this game. Something needs to change about when and how the events are released. I understand that someone can get into the game and somehow get that info, but now they are charging for it. Come on Glu, release this info to the public at least 48 hrs in advance. It would be nice to know this info immediately following turf. We have NO time to buy the right cars. The Stella takes over 24 hrs to be delivered. Now it needs to be tuned. Another 24+hrs. And tested, then repaired. Guess what? Turf over. But wait... if I spend around $30 I can have it all done in about 20 mins.


  • It definitely is the way I currently do it, however, I am burning thru boosts just to see what it will run, damage the engine learning how to drive it, then waiting on repairs. Oh, and it's an r2 class and turf starts in 12 hrs and I need the car. Guess I'll feed the glu meter.
  • He's using the emulator bluestacks. Its used on the computer. The only benefit is the rt might be better.
  • Let's try not to have more ways for glu to make even more money off of us. No other game that has some type of trading depot makes us pay to trade. Glu already robs us of so many things. Let's keep it straight.
  • Yes, everyone starts at the same time. Never said different. It's the info that gets sent out as to what the events are. That info is sent out approximately 4 hrs before turf begins. However, people somehow know what the events are more than 6 hrs early. And as for this past turf war, I heard that the Furai was going to be…
  • I have friends that have been on top 5 teams. One rule that a couple teams have, is that you have at least 1 secondary account.This secondary account must be stocked with throw away cars, usually campaign cars. they keep those cars tuned for max lobbies. They then have a second team that those secondary accounts are a part…
  • The first thing you should do is, have them prove their rating. Do a free race. You're worried about lobby jumpers, but, is a 56 against a 52 not the same as a 63 against a 56? I understand the lobby is meant for 50-56, but the point still stands. I want to be able to join friends and trade my cars. I can't exactly do this…
  • Still looking? I have a 56 tune for r34. Does 9.300 unboosted
  • It's still down. And of course they won't do anything about it.

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