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  • I watched that division this past weekend after my club ran and won another division. There is no doubt Luke cage was using the point hack. That why they got deleted and knockers/dreamteam/others got awarded the win. My question to knockers is, how do you build an all legends team in 2 weeks or less after over half your…
  • Go ahead and snitch to redtrunk about someone, maybe you will get your 2nd team out of glu jail
  • You were in 6th with no chance of winning. You allowed a hacker in your club and you finished 1st. Congrats. Other honest clubs that this happened to, they all left that club and started another one
  • You are so cool man. Be proud of hacking a baseball game!
  • Blts is a private club. So you allowed the hacker in your club since you are the leader
  • You are the leader and you allow this happen in your club? Lmfao. That's the funniest **** i heard all day
  • Blts is a private club with 17 members last time I checked. All this talk about one person joining a public club. It's obvious it's not just one person. And glu does nothing about it. So to the ones that are doing it, congrats on ruining the game. Now go back to your mom's basement and start hacking tap football.
  • Glu can put them in glu jail bit they will have a new team in an hour. Sad but true
  • Iamidiot... lmfao it's true also. Guys hang the cleats up. This game is ruined and glu does nothing about it. They don't care because people are spending money on their football game. Idiots, like iamidiot, ruined the game with teams on steroid upgrades and now the point multiplier hack. Hang the cleats up and hope glu…
  • Couldn't say what I wanted to say, but I think everyone knows what I meant by that. Lol
  • People get offended by posts on tge forum? Lol. Thats funny. I didn't see the first post but to answer your question, I dislike narcs more. Robots will be robots. Legends in this game. My club leaves everytime we see them on a weekend. Now snitching to get gold from redtrunk is a no no especially when the players are doing…
  • Agreed. Got the same steroids team every 15th game. But glu is too stupid to figure it out. Redtrunk mentions the issues last Friday but doesn't mention anything about the gold, ice wraps used that were used for nothing. Doesn't mention anything about the steroids teams. Numerous threads have been posted with the steroids…
  • Nothing was done. Steroids teams still ending streaks at 15 games in the goat rank and multiple steroids teams in gold leagues!
  • Heavy traffic from the club, less than zero is another steroids team
    in Smh! Comment by Dilligaf August 2016
  • I laugh when people ask that question. They are cheating and asking why their points dont count. Lmfao. You are in glu jail, hurry and start another team!
  • One hit wonder dream team looking to join another club. Thanks for the laugh
  • 19 million between 20 members is less than a million a piece. Did you just start playing this game or are you still butthurt that you think you deserve #1 rewards because you were leading for a few hours?
  • Legit players like met legends right? All legends team but can't afford to max out the upgrades. Cool story. Lmfao
  • Glu doesn't care about the rewards they owe you. All they want is your cash for gold. You might get lucky and redtrunk will see this and give you your weekend rewards. Dont count on it though. Good luck
  • Don't wait. File for a refund of money spent on this game. If you didn't spend any money, then you are not losing anything. Glu is too stupid to figure out who they owe rewards to. Some people got them because of the forum. How about all the people that are not on the forum? It's a lost cause.
  • I played one today from your club in gold leagues. Dont point fingers to get the heat off your own club
  • You can't go from ios to android and vise versa
  • Totally agree with you. Do not spend another dime. Glu can't even give us all the rewards they owe us. You think they will stop the hackers?? Lol. File for a refund and screw redtrunk and glu. They are truly a bunch of idiots. Maybe redtrunk will make another post that rewards are on its way. Haha what a joke!
  • This has to be a joke right?
  • Don't worry what club im in. We will see you one of these days.
  • Which dream team since you got like 10 different ones
  • They fixed android glitches last week. But I agree with you. Get your money back and stick the middle finger right at glu. I already got my refund of majority what I spent on this game.
  • 2nd place is at 10 million. Easy to score big points. Collect your gold and use it on the weekends for energy refresh and boosts. 26 million between 20 members is nothing
  • Don't even waste your time with a one hit wonder dream team. They get tier 6 and run to a different club so the main guys can collect their tier 6 gold over and over. Find a better a club!
  • So redtrunk has enough time to look at your account in detail and get you out of jail but he doesn't have enough time to give people their rewards they deserve from almost 3 weeks ago? Good job redtrunk. You and glu are all idiots!!!

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