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Polevaultmaui · New Member


  • Oh I forgot to mention here in Hawaii you don't need tags to hunt or take an animal
  • Love the idea really wish they wold add it
  • Yeh...lol :p........
  • We'll you can alwase take someone who is knows how and is willing to clean the dear with u on the hunt I suggest go with some on u know who has hunted before and just a word of caution bout 90% of first time hunters feal nauseous the first few times they kill something and u aint alwase guaranteed to get/kill or even see…
  • Actually to get a eradication license for privet property is limited but to hunt on privet property all u need is a hunting license (witch u have to take a hunters safety corse to get( the classes though are harde to get in to due to the low # of classes and high # of hunters so the classes are alwase full)) and pramition…
  • I've gone dear hunting here in Hawaii In Hawaii theirs dear, bird(rearly hunted though) , pig, goat, and surprisingly turkey hunting I've got friends that go pig and turkey hunting and they say that if u go turky hunting and plan to eat it nail it to a two by fore cook it for a day then eat the two by fore caus is softer I…

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