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  • I'll say what I said because it's the truth the game was slated to be closed before Carbonated took over. They saw the game was already dying and tried taking it in a direction that would give it a chance to survive. It didn't pan out but we got almost 2 years extra life out of something we all enjoyed and loved. I'm…
  • You guys couldn't be further from the truth. The game was going to die before Carbonated took over. They gave it all they could but all the morons killing the rating and flooding bad reviews is what eventually caused GLU to pull the plug.
  • Quit cheating, thank you have a great day.
  • From what I've experienced any game that has the Facebook login function allows for cross platform game recovery.
  • Well to download the game you had to have used your Google play account to obtain the game. Normally if you aren't connected through your Facebook account then your account is usually associated to your Google play account unless you bypassed that login and forced the game to start as a local save only in which case you…
  • If you got banned it was well deserved. Instead of gems you should just go take a long walk off a short pier.
  • I'm not even sure that you realize just how dumb of a post you just made. First off the buying and selling and even trading of goods is NOT supported by GLU in any way what so ever. They do not even acknowledge it as being something they will even look at much less offer support for. What you are asking of them is…
  • The game is very addicting and I wish there was more carry over for the people who have been dedicated to the game year after year. That being said it still is one of the best if not the best baseball game out there.
  • What I would do is uninstall Facebook and then try to use the Facebook button. What this will do is it will initiate the in game browser to allow you to login into Facebook instead of using the application and it's saved data.
  • You have to remember that they are answering questions for thousands of people and some times the support emails get sent out to third party support companies that may not have all the answers that you need to have answered. Just be patient and in the end you will get the help you need. I would also try asking for help in…

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