
Essential Basic Features Missing/Easy to Fix Bugs Not Being Addressed

ElsaJeanElsaJean Registered Users, Member 17 Posts
There are many issues with this game that either need fixed quickly or would take a dev 10 minutes to fix that have been talked about many times on these forums and I'm pretty shocked that they haven't been fixed yet. If new content is prioritized over fixing what is already here, this game will fail quickly.

For how long this game has been out there shouldn't be so many skills that are bugged. People post about them and they rarely get fixed. Kristoff doesn't gain defense up when he taunts. Pocahontas doesn't give debuffs with colors of the wind. I'm sure there's more that's just off the top of my head.

There should be waaaayyy more info available for guild leaders (or all members) about the activities of guild members for club quests and club conquest. There should be an automatic message in club chat when a tower is taken and needs filled. There should be match histories in club conquest.

If we finish club dungeon early, we should get rewards for beating the final mission 5 times each day before it resets instead of not being to attack anymore and losing tons of club tokens. As it is now, we have to intentially lose the final mission 5 times each day to not miss out of club tokens. It's pointless and annoying.

There are hackers in the pvp arena that can end fights without either players trophy count changing, so they can't lose and honest players can't win. There should be match histories for pvp arena. Pvp arena should run at x2 speed, so fights aren't so tedious and boring.

ADDS STILL DON'T WORK. All the time I have adds freeze in the middle, freeze while processing rewards, or freeze when looking for an add. My internet is not the problem. It's on your end.

Sometimes I get kicked out of sorcerer's tournament battles in the middle and then can't attack again when I try to immediately because "Someone is attacking my defense." Sometimes you can't attack others because they were attacked too recently. Sometimes you get attacked 3 times in 10 minutes. The rules for being able to attack/be attacked don't make sense. This would be greatly helped if arena rewards were given out based on your highest rank of the day, so everyone isn't trying to attack at the same time right before rewards are given out. It's also just 10x more enjoyable for players to not have to spam arena attacks at the same time everyday. Don't forget your players have lives and might want to play this game from 7:00-7:30am instead of 8:30-9:00pm one day and that should be okay. Right now that isn't allowed for top players.

A lot of players are annoyed that so few units are viable. It makes pvp really boring to face the same teams over and over. I think you've been trying to fix this? So I guess keep trying. A big reason for this is that speed is very OP because pvp fights start with the fastest unit at 100% speed meter and the slowest at 0% speed meter. Why not make everyone start at 0% and the fast units will have their bars fill up faster than slow units, so slow units will be at like 70%-80% when the first unit moves. This is how every other game works and they don't struggle with balancing so much.

Sorcerer's stones don't make much sense. 99% of the time you shouldn't use anything except speed stones (again because it's very OP) and crit damage stones are mathematically always worse than offense stones.

I'm also surprised I need to say this, but you can't add Chunk 2 days before you start an event that can't be done without him and have him only farmable from elite missions.

Most mobile games die after a year because they don't consider feedback from players. Most mobile games also don't start with this many problems. If you want this game to be successful you NEED to listen to players. They will sometimes say dumb things, but they often don't and are always trying to help you make the game better which helps you and us.
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