
Speed is op and makes the game unplayable

TheNutGobblerTheNutGobbler Registered Users, Member 4 Posts
    You will lose 100% of pvp match if you don't have a few select units that fit into one meta. My plan for a team was: Donald, Daisy, Darkwing, gizmo, and calhoun (for assists off counters) I finally got them to 7-stars, gear tier 7, level 67, skills leveled up. After losing 5 matches in a row to teams with much easier/cheaper to get units and 500+ power less than mine, I realized some of them really ducking slow, and none of them have any cc/ways to waste enemy's turns. That's pretty bad since fast units with cc/ways to waste enemy's turns is op.

The problems:
    1. If their team is faster than yours (hiro leader with big hero 6(+30% speed wtf???)/ high base speed units) their units start 50% - 100% turn meter while yours start with 0% - 50%. If they have honey lemon with hiro leader my whole team is slowed with no turn meter, and with any more cc, speed buff, or speed meter gain they'll all move twice or MORE before I get to move once.
    2. If they have speed buff and I have slow (which there are units that do that like honey lemon, hiro, bubbles, anna), they have 3x speed from buffs/debuffs. That's far too much especially when I started with no turn meter.
    3. Add hiro shields, honey lemon stun, bubbles silence, elsa silence (she's fast and has 10x more offense than any other unit and has high damage multiplier skills and a really good defensive passive), any taunts, fairy slumber, anna offense debuff, now when you do get a turn you can't do anything on that turn anyways.
    4. Since speed is so op, there is no reason to use any other stone besides a speed stone.

The solutions:
    1. Give everyone 0% turn meter and it goes up according to speed from there. If my unit has 70% of the fastest units speed give me 70% turn meter not 0
    2. Reduce speed buff/debuff effectiveness. I think 30% could be a good number. Idk exactly what would be ideal, but I do know it isn't 50%.
    3/4. These might not be op after the other changes so wait and see.
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