
Pain and Panic

SlimagileSlimagile Registered Users, Member 3 Posts
I've been using Pain and Panic since release and have a few bugs I run into to this day and I don't see anyone talking about them.

1. It Wasn't Us: I often notice this in towers when I have them on auto specifically when the Stitch tower was around and this has literally ruined tower runs for me. When Pain and Panic are shifted into an enemy sometimes they'll use the enemy's ability on themselves. For example: I had them shifted into a Zurg on the Stitch tower. I was relatively low on the tower and I had it on auto. The last enemy was defeated and Pain and Panic were listed as next in the turn order. After the battle had ended with no enemy toons remaining, Pain and Panic used Rapid Ion Blaster on themselves killing both themselves and the person next to them. Since it happened after the battle I wasn't able to stop this from happening and also stopped me entirely from progressing further in towers.

2. It Wasn't Us: There is a bug that occasionally occurs especially in PvE where Pain and Panic will shift into an enemy unit and then be incapable of using their attack. The message provided is: This Ability Isn't Ready yet. In PVP that's fine, I can just wait out the turn, but in PvE it has literally ruined matches and caused me to have to restart the game.

I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but it's been an issue since their release, and I thought it'd be fixed by now.
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