
Automatique chat translation

blubzblubz Registered Users, Member 1 Posts

I would love to see an auto-translation option in the game's chat. It would be excellent to have multinationals clubs. This option exist more and more in a lot of game where clubs interaction are crucial(like kingdom of Avalon as une exemple). In DSA game, clubs activities are more and more crucial and WE need a solide social space ingame.
Nowadays, alphabetics walls are real breaks to include international partners in a club (greek, asian, russian, Indian, arabics alphabets).

I've in the club an asian and a russian player that can't really be part of the team's life.

I see two solutions to this implementation : 
1) a button in each message to translate this particular message. Ex: near the time tag of the message (more on the left side of the time tag) 
2) or a global option in the parameters where player can or not activate a "auto-translation chat option" checkbox and select the language. Then all message arriving in his chat will bé translated in this language.
(Make this translation on the client side to not have to support this on yours server)

I Hope this option will be made one day. It's a great potential to atract and keep in a long journey New player from all over the World thanks to a solid clubs social interactions.

Thanks you !

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