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  • Not trying to troll, but the questions asked have been answered multiple times and people are just sick of replying to questions that have been answered a handful of times. Best to do a search before asking any game related question. Tech support is different.
  • It is indeed "using a skill" which sets this bug off. Rocky is invincible though, so if you forget and the bug occurs all you can do is quit and restart.
  • I've dealt with actual hackers. I had a Ronin attack me who had Kunoichi's Flash Bomb. I still won, but it was a ****** up match. That should be banned for sure.
  • Regarding Rocket Man. I think it's a bug. If you don't use any skills he never gets anchored. But if you for example use "call lightning" for one reason or another he just gets stuck at your gate.
  • I think it's random. Then banner and the armour usually give me between 3 & 5 gems. Everything else except sushi & teapot give me 1 to 3 gems randomly. But it's random, you'll either get a random amount of coins or a random amount of gems.
  • Looks like the 2 characters swap positions when maxed. Zato ends up with the higher attack but lower health. Nobunaga will last longer but does poor damage. I still stand by Zato. Being able to deflect ranged enemies is too good.
  • Personally I would go with Zato but I haven't upgraded either of them... Zato has high health but does low damage. But he deflects enemy projectiles. He's kind of more useful.
  • Just to confirm it maxes at 20 I believe. But you are correct after Level 11, the subsequent upgrades are all just 5 silver coins until maxed. Started upgrading the sword next. I think from level 6/7 onwards you get red electricity shockwave damage which is awesome.
  • I currently only have it at level 8. I'll get back to you in a week or more and let you know. On another note I'm trying to get more info on his armour. At level 8 he has a 30% chance to Absorb/Deflect hits and the other part I don't understand. He either reflects 50% of damage back at the enemy or has a 50% chance to…
  • Increases attack for surrounding enemies.
  • You are able to summon more allies at once. There are certain allies that can't be summoned. Any ally you can only have 1 off like Shingen, Priest, Swordsmith etc cannot be summoned with Reinforcements.
  • I agree. If they are attacking and you are defending you shouldn't have to push. They should have 3 minutes to try and take your gate.
  • Use Rocky T'Man if available. Don't bring out allies that are hard to deal with (Rocket farmers, handmaidens, spear warriors, spear horseman). Spam farmers, sword warriors, farmer on stilts, assassins and bowman and frostie. You can use Zato but if he gets converted lure him to the bridge and try and get an instant kill by…
  • It's endless though. Every 10 levels you get a free mystery box and bonus charms, health and glu coins. The new waves are just there to farm.
  • Happened to me as well. I attempted to download the patch a 2nd time and it fixed it. Before it would just crash after selecting what you wanted to attack.
  • Yep, 5 abilities allowed. 3 Ally slots. Repel - Extremely low cooldown - very spammable. Damages enemies and knocks them back. Works on PvP and most minor infantry. Does not work on large enemies. (New patch - enemies hit by "repel" at the bridge have a chance to be instant KOed by your bridge spirits). Soul Burn - Medium…
    in Sorceress Comment by BigFred May 2013

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