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  • Awesome! Thanks!
  • I just want to know what else is there for you to get once you have an all legend team, maxed out upgrades, and all of the accolades? Prime Hamilton and 1.4 point boost desn't seem to help anyone in your club. Are you just cycling new members through to pick up rewards for them? I just don't understand the incentive to…
    in Robots Comment by Gbiu02 July 2016
  • Thanks for the input. I guess I thoght if I pony up money for prime and 5 star relievers they should be able to do their job just as well as the hitters. Blown saves happen but 999 or 9910 guys should have more success in my opinion.
  • Surveys are a waste of time. Find free trial memberships or purcheses that are less than the cost of the gold you're getting (e.g. $20 purchase nets 4000 gold). Also wait for double gold bonus weekends. I got 3800 gold for a $5 purchase. I also didn't get a gold credit for a purchase. It took two weeks but Fyber finally…
  • I want to know how teams get legends that haven't come out yet. I played a team yesterday that had Lofton, Giambi, Banks, Righetti, and Gagne in addition to the legends that have already been offered. How are people aquiring these legends? I believe there are people out there spending gross amounts of money but how do they…
  • I know that last year I won Fielder in a 3-star tournament and he got bumped to 5 stars. But I agree that most of the guys you have won't get much better.
  • Neikro is 6 arm because he's a knuckle baller. He's 72-1 with an ERA of 2.14 on my team.
  • I may have got lucky, but I was trying for Brandon Belt in the legends box and ended up with Ryan, Hershiser, and Neikro. It took 20k gold to get them. I was also able to get MadBum, Mauer, and Wright for about another 1000 gold in the prime and 5-star boxes.I then spent 14k gold in upgrades to get Boone and Harper. So it…
    in Cheating 2 Comment by Gbiu02 July 2016
  • Take advantage of the offers under "free gold" especially on the double bonus weekends. A $20 purchase got me 8116 in gold. Do your research on free trials and stay away from draft picks and collections. Only spend gold during the weekends when you can get player rewards.
  • Collections aren't a good value. The mystery boxs are your best shot at getting great players. Just be prepared to spend 5-10k gold. I was probably lucky, but got Ryan, Hershiser, Neikro, Mauer, Wright, and Mad Bum. Then spent enough to get Boone and Harper.

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