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Mvpdonaldson · Experienced Member


  • Glu has no compassion, they do not feel, they just twist the knife more fiercely.
  • This makes sense. Maybe not auto divison promotion but league promotion based on upgrade levels. Interesting concept. I wish i knew when to stop upgrading then.
  • I would love that a lot, I just need Boggs, got Wright already. That being said, my 10 Hitting Joe Mauer hits .425. So yeah I would expect a little better than .450 especially with 20 hitting.
  • Except there is no way 3 points in hitting translates to only that much more of an average. I bet my 9/9 Harper hits way better than any 6 hitter I have ever had. Maybe its just me, but 12 hitting makes up for losing 4 points in power.
  • That last one is the big one to me. You've taken my wallet but the *****, but like, dont take everything i have. The pricing model is so ridiculous in this game. Way more people would waste their life away on this game like I do if attaining really incredible players was just slightly less costly.
  • No, but if you want to come up to Canada we have been playing this game since March and have wasted just as much of our Monopoly money. Also I don't think this changes that much for the top guys. We all already had Mauer and Boggs is worse than Wright. Im about to get Boggs on this novice account guys, I can feel it.
  • That seems unlikely, since i have over level 10 on almost everything on an account I have that is still in novice. Maybe at higher levels, but so long as you keep it under a certain star ratings I am almost positive you won't ever get promoted. I have almost 500 wins, idk maybe eventually it will happen? Seems like it…
  • When you first start an account it gives you a 24 hour fan rewards that include tulo, lester, and miguel cabrera.
  • Probably not, but Wright is on my main and I want Boggs on my novice account.
  • As long as he had all 1 star pitching and bench, you can stuff quite a few excellent players into your hitting lineup. Plus you can play up to advanced I think in those gold leagues, so it can still be quite difficult. Upgrades upgrades upgrades, it will only get easier as long as you don't get promoted :)
  • For me I like to try to get a few unbelievable hitters, keep my pitchers around 1-2 stars and upgrade that primarily. I got very lucky to get 5 star Ryan Braun on my novice account, he absolutely destroys in that division. For knowing your average star rating, you could just count. The game counts 22 players on your roster…
  • Anybody get Boggs yet?
  • I mean, Bagwell is still the dream, don't ever let yourself think otherwise. I really just wish they had put anything other than that prime pitcher, because I for sure would have gone for Bagwell had that been the case. But Glu in their infinite wisdom chose to put a Colon instead, and I dont need another prime pitcher on…
  • I believe there is a star rating component, I know on my novice account once i hit a 2 star average I can no longer play in the 50 gold league. That being said, the only one available to me in master is 2000, and I am not sure when I lost the 1500 one. Hopefully people have more input, because redtrunk has gone AWOL.
  • This was my plan this weekend, until i saw that it was Colon as the 20k reward. Not to hate too hard but hes basically not even prime, another Ubaldo IMO. I ended up spending only 10k getting Soria and helping club get D. Wright.
  • Gimmick? Or just the same as every other way that Glu gives out awesome players; very, very rarely after spending huge amounts of gold or getting insanely lucky. Personally, trades and winning primes with a club is the only remotely consistent way of improving your team after a certain point, going for boxes or collections…
  • Hey, not really the place since this is an entirely different topic. But since you asked no, you cannot. They disappear after a certain level and they are gone forever.
  • That's all I was trying to say. I agreed with him that prices are too high, I was just trying to explain that they are not after lifelong customers because their product could become obsolete by tomorrow, or in a month or next April or whenever. If prices were cheaper we would all buy more, but that doesn't necessarily…
  • And it sucks. I get nothing but useless Fcoins from them
  • We were, I was trying to point out that I think your logic that lower prices will induce my children to play this game or keep me as a lifelong customer is too indirect to be substantiated, and is based more on personal experience than realistic consumer trends.
  • Yes, but the term life-time client doesn't really imply just that does it? And even so, I don't currently have kids, and video games have a funny habit of changing drastically over the course of say, 10 years? And frankly, I would rather spend time with those kids that having them watch me play an antiquated(in the future)…
  • I think lifelong customer, along with my offspring, might be a bit of stretch. I don't really see myself on my deathbed telling my children that the one piece of advice they should follow in their lives is to invest in glu games because I got a Legends Jeff Bagwell. And I am gonna go ahead and say the above statement…
  • My point exactly.
  • Don't think they would add that function, not only because it would be a significant security risk but also because that just seems like a personal desire rather than a feature that a large part of the player base would use.
  • I feel like i already posted this but I tried for about 5k gold worth, so maybe 25-30 times? Then i gave up and purchased upgrades and got him for 10k reward on the weekend.
  • And can get more that 500 of each trophy. The gosh-darn things hardly show up at all, I have gone like 20 times in a row without seeing one, and now i know I can collect 1200 of the bronze ones and never see a gold one. I get that this game is rigged, but they should at least make it a similar amount for everyone. I can't…
  • Maybe, I don't know how the price points line up for glu, or at which point higher prices hit that point of diminishing returns, but something tells me there are plenty of people blowing tons and tons of cash on collections. That being said, you may have a point, cheaper prices might induce more spending.
  • That is literally such ridiculous nonsense. Pure luck + terrible odds = cash cow for Glu.
  • The good news is, Jason Kipnis is a stud in that game. I had him, batted over .400 with consistency. My Altuve doesn't hit anywhere near that, though in fairness hes hitting in the 9 spot.
  • No, obviously not. Otherwise it would be so easy to have your team stolen. Gotta think of the security issues with just being able to take a team off an email. Additionally, and excuse me if I seem a bit incredulous, but why in the world would you want to do such a thing? Why not just make another email if you want a…

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