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  • Hey blitz. That's exactly what I've been doing. Reaper is kicking my paragon 187 **** though. But I like the challenge.
  • I sincerely doubt that glu is out to get you. The games are buggy for all of us. I have frequent crashes too. I'd say about ten a day. It's not you or anything that you're doing.
  • I've never seen rocky die. I have found that his damage decreases each time he hits something, so I make sure there are a lot of targets for him to hit between where he launches and my gate. Think a line of meat shield farmers here. Seems to work for me. Also, make sure to follow him back to your gate if you have the…
  • I finished wave 300 yesterday. My drop rates are about the same as lower levels, I'd say. It feels like I'm getting more green gems, though, but ithnk that's just been lucky - not really increased drops. The waves get a lot harder and take longer so the drop rate should improve but I really don't think it does. I continue…
  • That seems like a good idea. I've upgraded the samurai - probably a mistake - but I've got the gems to upgrade the kunochi prett well. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • All problems resolved with latest patch. Thank you
    in HOW LONG? Comment by OneidaDave May 2013
  • I'm having the same problem with iOS.
  • With the update that came out today, I am able to play again. But NOT in multiplayer. I select multiplayer, that's fine. It logs me in and shows me the "what do want to steal screen." I select a "target" and then it completely freezes on that screen. I have to close the app and I've retried many times. No luck. So I an…
    in HOW LONG? Comment by OneidaDave May 2013
  • New ticket has been marked "solved" twice now. I keep updating. Only reply from support is "rebooting device works for 95% of these issues." I must be in the top 5% and GLUust be stumped as I have been reporting this problem for over a month now.
    in HOW LONG? Comment by OneidaDave May 2013
  • Thanks for the advice Ann Frances. I checked on the ticket and it was marked "SOLVED." Not sure how they came to that conclusion since they never asked me if the problem was fixed. I submitted a new ticket.
    in HOW LONG? Comment by OneidaDave May 2013
  • My ticket has been in for three weeks and still no resolution. The only contact made with me has been the suggestion to reboot the device. There is no screen shot to take. The initial GLU screen shows up for about 3 seconds and then back to my iPhone home screen. My other thread has been closed but the problem is not…
  • Going on two weeks and no suggestions other than reboot the device. I miss the zombies. :(
  • I tried it anyway. Didn't work for this issue. Glad you're all set now
  • I've received two replies from my ticket. One suggesting I restart the device (already done that several times) and once telling me to update the game - it already was. So no help from GLU yet.

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