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dirtymoney · Junior Member


  • their service does suck. It's past being patient.
  • People in town chat -- yes apparently they kind of works now-- are complaining they can't join either. It really seems like a new thing breaks every single day. If you're going to take money from people you should at least deliver a a product that works. As of now, Mage is broke; chat is kind of working; and scourge…
  • So is there anything I can do?
  • UPDATE - i killed Hellboy and it unlocked my Mage alat level 1 and then I opened her up and it prompted me to do the tutorial. I force quit the game and then reloaded it and my mage was back to lv. 32 but I am now stuck in the tutorial and can't complete it because i dknt have the right item in my inventory. So the game…
  • I know you're lying because Glu wouldn't refund the gem.
  • I am getting it as well. It is really annoying, it will pop up 10 times in 5 minutes...
  • I heard the next update will require players to pay 10 gems every time they wish to login to their game accounts.
  • I'm not referring to that particular glitch as one that works in the players favor. I just posted that as a guess as to why the servers are currently down. The next part was a tangentially related frustration of mine. I realize how it is confusing but i did not mean to use that as an example of a glitch that worked to the…
  • Maybe they are patching the game due to a lot of players' accounts getting wiped to level 1 and the Mage locked. Its pretty funny how shotty Glu is with the game except when there is a glitch that works in the players favor and at the expense of Glu. In those instances, if you blink once they've already come in to to fix…
  • Maybe because most people (me included) have invested a significant amount of time, effort and money (I haven't spent very much) on it. Every time a new update is introduced, with the sole purpose to pigeonhole players into spending money, the investment I've made (and every other play has made) over the past year becomes…
  • I would love to hear the party line from a Glu admin as to why they've added these seemingly redundant and entirely useless crystals to the game. 1) They give **** exp. when fusing...no benefit to using these crystals in place of farmed equipment 2) For some inexplicable reason, they do not stack (oh wait, the explanation…
  • Umm godly isn't junk -- it is now a stepping stone tier of armor that allows you to beat the content needed in order to acquire the level 50 armor/weapon. Further, the reagents needed to max out lv. 50 equipment are near impossible to get unless you choose to spend. Oh and lets not forget, the quality of runes needed to…
  • Yea, I have to agree that the timing for the new tournament/scourge event is really mind-boggling. The 3 start times are: 1) when I am expected to begin working...at my, you know, JOB, 2) right when I am leaving the office, and 3) when I am supposed to be sleeping in preparation for said job.
  • Player burnout?? Lmao, what?! This game is designed around the premise that you grind the same dungeon/content 95,000 times to advance. Or pay...oh yea, that. Not to mention there are limited ship tokens that prevent a non-paying player to burn themselves out. Better lies please.
  • I beat N. Hellboy with a Lv. 21 Blue/Butcher with Monk, warrior is a bit easier with parry. Just need to practice and learn his patterns. Your gear should be enolugh to take him down though.
  • I actually beat Hellboy a couple days ago using the lv. 21 blue/butcher fists. I am up to Legendary Cyclops now but in dire need of some upgrades. Hovering around the 2100 GS mark, so quite a ways to go before I am ready to take him on. Thank you for the help everyone.
  • Thanks for replies. I now have blue lv. 21 fists of the butcher from Helgard at 15/15. Is there anywhere I can farm the lv. 26 weapon, or only obtainable through offerings...?
  • You should be able to beat stages with a recommended GS a few hundred points higher than what you have. I maxed out warrior and am leveling up my monk atm -- beat Nian and the next ~4 stages (now at the one before N. Hellboy) and did so with my GS at about 1050. It is now up to about 1150.
  • Fcku - Warrior - laggy POS.
  • iDevon - Monk - you are terrible hahaha. Great job running your way to a loss you stupid ****.
  • Tadzan - Mage - Hacker: Lag/Invincible.
  • GrenDay - Monk - runner/dodger/*****.
  • Every monk I play is a ****ing *****. They just hit you twice and then run circles for 2 minutes. Grow a pair.
  • Are you sure you want us to think about it? It seems like you'd prefer for us not to think at all, actually. "If we wanted it to be a money grab, we would never have fixed it from being just 1 drop..." That is not entirely accurate and ignores several important considerations that would go into a decision like this...such…
  • The official response is in the Patch 1.2.1 sticky. Muloch now states that getting 2 per kill was a bug, getting 1 per kill was a bug and now it is working as intended. However, I am not braindead so I don't quite believe that.
  • I suspect that they are ********ting us. The 2 reagents per kill wereinitially intended, they then intended to nerf that to 1 reagent per kill and have since backtracked given the backlash from the players. They have now compromised and given us a "50/50" shot at 2 reagents per kill under the auspices that this was in fact…
  • They cleverly worded the patch notes to say "bosses will now drop reagents as intended" or something to that effect. I think their goal was to suggest/lead players to conclude that this meant bosses would drop 2 reagents per kill, every kill, as before when in fact they devised a solution somewhere in between with bosses…
  • He just dropped only 1 sigil for me. 2 kills, both times dropped only 1 DP Sigil.

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