
The valley crashing and glitching

Hi everybody who reads this and I know most of u aren't having this crashing and glitching in the valley but I'm sure there are others out there who get irritated because they can't play the game until a update unless that still doesn't work then people just have to restart or for them to notify a glu games person to see if they fix this which is why I want to notify that in the valley in the middle that it either glitches or crashes at first it would glitch so then I was stuck in the middle and end of valley
But now I am trying to do a movie to move onto main goals and it won't even let me get past the front of valley because it crashes

I do hope so that they do fix this problem on the game do I can get back to playing and gifting on the game and doing missions
Because this minor goal I'm doing is for a main goal

I'm sorry I didn't make this shorter but I do hope they do fix this problem because this is one of my favorite games because I'm number one on the game even with other people that also have 106.2 million fans
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