
Generate own clothes

In this game they got a good diversity in clothing for girls and not guys
And I know guys aren't as worried about style as much but if not expanding
At least maybe let people generate their own clothes for a high price so that we don't all just wear the same in the entire game


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    Charrmander93Charrmander93 Registered Users 654 Posts
    In this game they got a good diversity in clothing for girls and not guys
    And I know guys aren't as worried about style as much but if not expanding
    At least maybe let people generate their own clothes for a high price so that we don't all just wear the same in the entire game

    This suggestion got looked over and ignored. I like this idea
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    HollywoodStarletsHollywoodStarlets Registered Users 200 Posts
    This suggestion got looked over and ignored. I like this idea

    I agree with you.

    Add me on Game Center: HollywoodStarlets
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