
Taxi's for solutions

I've been stuck in the front part of the valley ever since the last update and still am
So I've come to the point where on this forum on ask4all.com whether to restart the game or not that will last for a week
Now I've been hearing now with this update theres even more crashes in location ever since today's update so I thought for a while why not have taxied for this problem that will take them to any part of the place and not just the front like the bus
But instead of it being cheap like the bus make it a lot more expensive like regular taxis depending on how far away u r from the location
Like if u r in the end of the neighborhood and u r trying to go to the mansion then charge $100 for each spot u skip like first the end of neighborhood which is $100 already then the middle +100
Then the front +100
Then all 3 spots of downtown +300
Then all 3 spots in coast +300
Then all three in valley +300
Then all 3 in hills +300
And ik this may seem expensive but some people crash or hate the fact that when the try to go somewhere it either takes a while to load each place or it crashes
But doing this would make shortcuts on the game
Plus help glu make more money from in-app purchases
Because people r needing it for this taxi that's in every part of stardom Hollywood and in order to do this they would have to expand the game but instead the should have taxi drivers in the some buildings on each part of the area
And for the places where there's only houses or studios just have them waiting outside of these buildings and just make them look all the same so that people don't have to click on everybody or have the taxi drivers have a shirt that says taxi or something I hope u take this in consideration
And if u do please email me if u take it as an idea so I know whether or not I should restart or wait on next update
And if u dont have my email just post on this thread and how I can give it to you
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