
Accidentally lost my progress :(

I accidentally hit used saved game from iCloud instead of use this game and lost my progress. I was a female A lister with 60M fans and a lot of money, and now I'm a male (my partner's character) with significantly fewer fans and less money. Is there any way to reverse this and recover my other account... Or at the very least, select to be female for this current account (which appears to be a combination of my partner's and my old progress).



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    ShiroShiro Moderators 2,066 Posts
    If you are going through what I think you are, I would suggest reinstalling again and see if the message comes up again. I did this same thing for another glu game and I was able to recover my stuff when I reinstalled. :0

    Note this is from Game Center's save and not sure if that's what you mean by iCloud or not. :0
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    MeggieMeggie Registered Users 3 Posts
    Hi Shiro,

    I reinstalled it and didn't get the option to select use this game or the saved game from iCloud. It is my partner's account, but it's so odd that my game turned in to a combination of his game and my game. It appears as though I may have to restart the game, because I'm not even female in my game now! :S
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    ShiroShiro Moderators 2,066 Posts
    That is very interesting, but now I think I understand what when wrong. :0

    You said you used the same account for two stardom games? I'm not even sure that's supposed to happen xD But yeah, very unique issue, sorry that you had to restart your game :[

    Just think of it as an opportunity to get better ratings on stuffs :3
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    MeggieMeggie Registered Users 3 Posts
    Thanks for your help anyway, Shiro. :)
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