
Places to Live/Explore

FaolanFaolan Registered Users 19 Posts
Places to Live/Explore

Now, you have a million pets...but where to put them? Easy answer - new places to live in new areas to discover and visit! I'd love to see more places to be purchased with money as opposed to Star Coins. There are only 3 places, I believe (but don't quote me on this!), outside of the apartment in The Neighbourhood that can be bought with money and it'd be nice if there were a lot more. I'd love to see more areas to explore either by using LA International and there being more places found that way (anywhere from the country to other places. Ireland, England, Canada, Africa, Australia, Asia, Coastal areas and more! I'd also love to see more cities from various countries come to light, too. Texas anyone? What about Paris? Vancouver, BC? Ottawa, Canada?) or having more areas added to the Stardom world. The places would be bigger to hold more animals so that your precious furbabies can show up. Each new area would also come with its own exclusive pet store so that you can add to your already gargantuan family. Each new area would also have their own restaurants, places to visit and things to do.

Current locations that already exist in-game - I'd love to see more things to do in each area, making each area larger than what they currently are and within each place to visit (store, casino, art gallery, park, etc) there'd be a larger amount of things to unlock eventually during gameplay so that it'd keep things exciting and interesting!
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