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  • Talk to her, do the tasks she tells you. at the end she will invite you to a meeting with Mr. Headley, and wants you to ask more and more money from him. From what I have read in other forums, there is no way to get MArcia as an agent. She will screw the meeting up and you will not be able to get her, but you will get a…
    in Marcia Shaw Comment by JMP73 May 2013
  • Nope, i don't think it depends on wether you chose "...." or "Crossing fingers" - I have won 3 awards and I chose "..." twice and "Cross fingers" the other time. good luck!
    in Star awards Comment by JMP73 May 2013
  • Same problem. We need a quick fix :)
    in Relationship Comment by JMP73 May 2013

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