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  • You should be okay. My husband keeps asking me to go on dates and I keep declining him. I've done that 3-4 times. He still hasnt dumped me. In fact, I went on a date and he is still with me haha.
    in Married Comment by Ladyluck27 July 2013
  • yeah, I did the wedding in tahiti and its definitely not worth all those stars!! Your there for about 2 min and then you cant ever go back.
  • I was engaged before the update. After the update, I wasn't at 2500 yet (or even 2499) so I kept going on dates. Finally, I went to my fiance's house (while i still had maybe 2000 pts with him) and he asked me if I wanted to get married. I figured it was a bug since we were already engaged but once I left his place, I got…
    in Married Comment by Ladyluck27 July 2013

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