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  • I did however find an example in Austin Jackson, shows him in a Giants hat on my sluggers roster, but baseballreference com has him listed with the Rangers https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/j/jacksau01.shtml
  • UPDATE: When I drafted nunez he had a twins hat on, but when he appears on my team he now has the Red Sox hat on, maybe the fix was made, I was still looking at him on the page where it show the player that I got after drafting, still Twins hat? that was back in 2016 I think!?
  • Also regular players caps are not up to date either, but the "pennant bonus" shows the correct team, or at least the most recent team since an update, and they do produce bonus points so long as the pennant bonus team logo matches the bonus team posted in "news"
  • I am not sure what the reason is but I have no such update, and have made sure to make sure my app is up to date. For instance I just purchased a 2nd round slugger draft pick and ended up with Eduardo Nunez, he is shown in a twins hat, but he is currently with the Red Sox, anyone else here still have any suggestion other…
  • I mean, I'm up for a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, my username notwithstanding... and please pardon my ignorance as this is literally my first post, but I joined the forum specifically to search for how these guys are doing this. My thoughts were that they are just drafting and drafting 2nd or late…

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