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  • I got a partial refund from Apple and have been looking in on my club (cause they're awesome!!!) but haven't been playing. Love the people but have had such an incredibly bad experience with this game and how it's run. There have been so many failings that they've doubled down on.
  • I don't know what happens behind the scenes, I've been out for some life events, and I'm not a primary decision maker in the club, but let me say one thing - having ladyphillie as a teammate last weekend on Batters Up was an absolute hoot. She's a good person and this back and forth mob mentality makes this game less fun…
    in Robots Comment by hamburglers July 2016
  • It's pretty straightforward if you know what you're doing with layout. Kinda like when a kid sticks their finger in icing and has no idea how the adults knew at a glance.
  • ladyphillie, you are one of the best additions BattersUp has seen. Amazing teammate and one of the many reasons we're all having a blast. OnDeck is just realizing that he's not as great as he thought and is lashing out. His problem he can't deal, not yours.
    in Robots Comment by hamburglers July 2016
  • I present to you the option: don't click on threads that say 5 star picks, you probably know what's inside them already.
  • This doesn't seem like an obnoxious request. Yeah, he's frustrated, but it's an easy fix on GLU's side and something that's pretty obvious if they want people to stay engaged. Why are you trying to silence people with legitimate criticism who are hoping for improvements and actually giving actionable requests?

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