
Should Royale be the weekend event?

woohoo77woohoo77 Registered Users, Member 300 Posts
I'm sure I saw this talked about in 18 and I know I'm not the only one to think of this but I just can't get over why the Wednesday Royale event isn't held on the weekend instead.  Most people work or go to school on Wednesday so it's impossible to play all that you want to play.  Slugfest is only on Wednesday but I really don't want to miss out on WoH either.  Do we really need Prime Games for four days a week?   I suggest something like the following:

Monday - WoH
Tuesday - Prime games + CVC
Wednesday - Slugfest
Thursday - Bonus games + CVC
Friday to Sunday - Royale + CVC

I just think it would be a lot more fun this way and we would actually have to think about slugfest which not everybody does.  If I don't get bonus players then there's not a lot of incentive to play on the weekend because someone can outscore my entire weekend of grinding in a matter of minutes.  What's the point?

One negative I see is that the cyclers would feast on the weekend.  Maybe we do something simple about that by reducing rewards for each cycle during the event.

Just trying to see if we could have more fun since that is the point after all.  Right now I dread the grind of the weekend and miss out on all the fun of Wednesday if I have a busy work day.



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    newfynewfy Registered Users, Member 416 Posts
    I also feel the same.  I love royal but wed as you stated is a busy day for most.   I have a different suggestion for events though.  
     tues- prime 
     wed-Thurs- royal
     fri- bonus games
     sat -sun - sprint

     this is little change but will take 1 day away from wknd sprint and will control the cycler as it is still week days some not so much time to play for most. 
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    newfynewfy Registered Users, Member 416 Posts
    We just need a lot of people to send tickets about this.  With enough complaints they will review it. 
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    BigpredfanBigpredfan Registered Users 3,306 Posts
    This all sounds great, but it won’t happen. 

    Walk-off and derby actually add resources to your team. Imagine being able to cycle derby for more than 1 day. The cash, XP, gloves, evo all over and over. 

    Energy events cost cost your team gold. Buying boxes and buying energy to streak. That’s why it gets 4 days on its own and a 5th day for those who play it Wednesday. 
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    Well said buddy, wont ever happen. Too many resources to farm for 3 days.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    BigpredfanBigpredfan Registered Users 3,306 Posts
    dkarski87 said:
    Well said buddy, wont ever happen. Too many resources to farm for 3 days.
    Imagine the outrage if they did royale on the weekend, but you were limited to 1-2 cycles 
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    newfynewfy Registered Users, Member 416 Posts
    dkarski87 said:
    Well said buddy, wont ever happen. Too many resources to farm for 3 days.
    Imagine the outrage if they did royale on the weekend, but you were limited to 1-2 cycles 
    They would have a bit of tweaking to make it work but it can be done!! To name a couple ways for instance is alter the event starts for each mode. So start Friday royal with just sprint/bonus games/ tourney for instance. Then sat activate woh/slugfest or even just woh sat and slugfest replace it sun!!    
       Another way is just lower rewards for slugfest/woh to account for those who will do 50 cycles.  Or just simply increase difficulty after so many cycles to the point we can’t win or spend a lot of gold on boost and restarts trying!!    
      This is how prime event and bonus games are set up to increase difficulty as you progress until you are SURE to loose.    
       So there is always a way to do things, BUT would glu be willing to put the effort there is a different story. Lol.   
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    woohoo77woohoo77 Registered Users, Member 300 Posts
    Or reduce rewards by 10% for every cycle... Lots of ways to solve the problem.
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    SandpipersSandpipers Registered Users, Member 1,327 Posts
    But there’s no way to solve the biggest problem...the nuts behind the wheel
    It's all done with mirrors
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    UNLVREBELUNLVREBEL Registered Users, Member 12 Posts
    Agree they won’t have a weekend mega royale but since it’s a Prime event toss us a bone and have POTW be a bonus. Weekend players if “bought” early on Friday have maximum 56 hours of use, POTW have max of 24 over 2 events. Give us POTW hitters 7500 per hit or rbi and a 50x CVC multiplier, pitchers 7500 per K. Anything to liven it up. 
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    Agreed. POTW should be a bonus player for a week including the weekend event
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    bayoubengalbayoubengal Registered Users, Member 981 Posts
    Going to bring this thread back.  With the change in WOH Royale why not bring this to a 3 day event???
    First, congrats on not being the 1st person to ask this question.
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    BlackFang4BlackFang4 Registered Users, Member 515 Posts
    @bayoubengal I still like the idea, but it still has the same problems. It simply has too much resources available for people who normally cycle WOH 10 or more times in 12 hours.
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    Cooz19Cooz19 Registered Users 1,256 Posts
    Someone mentioned glitches in some events being due to expansion of the game, and initial code not being written the same way. I fear we'd get something like that, because Prime was supposed to be the big event. It's not a bad event in itself, but Royale makes far more sense as the thing that lasts 2.5 days. 
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    I would keep woh and tournaments on Wednesdays, but I would love to see bonus games and slug fest included on the weekend. Well, bonus games. I have no use for slugfest 🤷🏻‍♂️
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    edited July 2019
    Cooz19 said:
    Someone mentioned glitches 
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    sherold22sherold22 Registered Users, Member 84 Posts
    I would love to see Royale as the weekend event but it's a pipe dream, they ain't changing it
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    I would keep woh and tournaments on Wednesdays, but I would love to see bonus games and slug fest included on the weekend. Well, bonus games. I have no use for slugfest 🤷🏻‍♂️
    I would like to see HR battles for gold replace club clash altogether or play a role on weekends.
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    I was surprised they rolled out extra bases as a Wednesday night event, that would have made a lot more sense as a weekend event.
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    RiSam98RiSam98 Registered Users, Member 11 Posts
    I was surprised they rolled out extra bases as a Wednesday night event, that would have made a lot more sense as a weekend event.
    Would really be nice if they make extra bases points part of the CvC points you need for field pass. Such a tough thing to get higher than 50million reward lvl on just CvC. 
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    UltimateWarriorUltimateWarrior Registered Users, Member 543 Posts
    I would happy if they shorten the weekend event to just Sat. Sun. And come up with a brand new event just for Friday. I think that would cut down the drag of the weekend event while adding something different to the mix
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    FrankTheTank04FrankTheTank04 Registered Users, Member 1,096 Posts
    It's only Saturday?!?  Gah, this weekend event is terrible.  Royale would never happen for 3 days.  They don't want people cycling WoH 300 times.
    Just no.  
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    cycling WoH 300 times.
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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