
Player box odds

SUPREMELGNDS24SUPREMELGNDS24 Registered Users, Member 4 Posts
I already understand VIP players get special treatment. But maybe make the game more equally fair for people who maybe don’t have money to spend on the game when it comes to player boxes. I absolutely love the game and I play every day and I get that it’s all a “gamble” when it comes to boxes but I rarely have any luck on these boxes anymore. No matter how much gold I spend on buying them. Maybe add more specialty players and less normal players in boxes and adjust the gold accordingly but don’t be outrageous with it. If just love to see some fair game on the odds for people who aren’t fortunate enough to buy more gold to get a number of boxes to at least get one good guy. Thank you If you pay any mind to this I really love the game. Just don’t like the odds in player boxes for the amount of gold spent on them 
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