
Diamond WOH Classic

More2Most2FirstMore2Most2First Registered Users, Member 777 Posts
I’m thinking of making the jump to Diamond, which I know I don’t have anywhere near the recommended resources for.  All I will care about initially though, is being able to cycle Classic WOH on Mondays.

My question is do the ratings of the pitchers I’ve been facing in Platinum change across the board or just in HOF WOH?

Thanks in advance for any info!


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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    For classic on Mondays, I believe only the last 4 pitchers in level 5 are diamond. I actually didn't really pay attention so I could be off. 
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    bayoubengalbayoubengal Registered Users, Member 981 Posts
    so you have trouble with cycling classic with platinum that you want to move to diamond??
    First, congrats on not being the 1st person to ask this question.
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    More2Most2FirstMore2Most2First Registered Users, Member 777 Posts
    Thanks @DFBB, I figured it was something like that.

    @bayoubengal I easily cycle Classic at Platinum anywhere from 10-20 times, depending on how much time I can dedicate, but being short on resources for the jump to Diamond, I was just curious what I would be facing in Diamond WOH Classic, since that will be my main way to upgrade my bxp hitters.

    The other reason I’m asking is because I hate having my tier progress just sit at the playoffs of Platinum 6, while I play a bunch of games on Wednesday and Thursday, lol.  I also suck at saving bxp and pxp, so I’m thinking I should just do the jump, but maybe wait until next Tuesday, after one more Platinum WOH, in which I pray I can actually be disciplined for once!  😂
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    bayoubengalbayoubengal Registered Users, Member 981 Posts
    I am that way too.... I have been sitting gold IV for a week and want to move but afraid do have much rss 
    First, congrats on not being the 1st person to ask this question.
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    More2Most2FirstMore2Most2First Registered Users, Member 777 Posts
    Yep, this is my first year REALLY playing TSB, so I’m learning on the fly.  This game is the epitome of the saying “patience is a virtue”!
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    Cooz19Cooz19 Registered Users 1,256 Posts
    edited July 2019
    I'm gonna ask a dumb question, so feel free to laugh at me...you all who cycle 10-20-400 times at platinum, is that because the level of competition is proportionally lower than where you are? Device issues aside, being able to cycle that much means you basically don't ever fail the level, it takes one maybe two hits to win (three on 3-run deficits) and you autoplay 7 or 8 of 10, winning each time. Is that about right? 

    For comparison's sake, I'm silver, and I try to autoplay to 6, and play the rest. I lost 24 times between 4 and 5. it was like 7 or 8 on Monday. Point being, I'm wondering if you all are woh cyborgs who never hit those painful and motivation-sucking fly balls that take forever to land, or need a 15 minute break after rage-quitting because you dropped 40 gold to watch the exact same two-pitch sequence (double play, ground out) to end the inning as you did the last time you tried to beat a certain level. 

    I'll hang up and listen. 
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    More2Most2FirstMore2Most2First Registered Users, Member 777 Posts
    edited July 2019
    Yes, I auto-play the first 7 rounds of the first 4 levels (sometimes the 8th on accident, lol), rarely losing any of those.  On level 5, I usually auto-play until I sometimes lose round 4, 5, or 6.  When that happens, I auto-play again from the beginning of level 5.  If I lose on the same round again, I now know where my trouble spot is and thereafter I manually play the remaining levels from that point on.  This Monday I was able to get my average cycle time down to about 22 mins.  I usually “work” from home on Mondays, so I hammer out as many cycles as I can before 1 PM PST.  I do that because it seems to me that the the difficulty increases in 4 hour blocks.  Meaning it’s easiest during the first 4 hours, medium difficulty the next 4 hours, and most difficult during the last 4 hours (probably because that’s when the highest number of players are trying to cycle and Glu exploits this).  It doesn’t hurt that I have righties: All-Stars Trout & Arenado, plus POTM Alonso & LeMahieu - all with hit non-boosted hit ratings at 300+, along with lefties: All-Star Bellinger, POTM Blackmon & Alvarez, and WOH reward Eaton - all with non-boosted hit ratings at 300+.

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    BigpredfanBigpredfan Registered Users 3,306 Posts
    @Cooz19. Look at it this way

    id rather be 10% richer than someone who makes $1,000,000 a year than 10% richer than someone who makes $100,000 a year. Same percentage difference, but numbers change. 

    The higher you go (gold/platinum/diamond), the bigger the difference between you and the pitchers you face. So I use a 381 Ohtani against a 271 (I think) Mengden. The gap is bigger than it will be in lower levels, giving me a little bit better edge 
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    @Cooz19 Even now, platinum players don't see anyone in their tier until towards the end of level 4 and diamond players don't see diamond pitchers until mid/late rounds in level 5. Fwiw, I don't even bother to use a video at any spot for classic on Mondays. Most diamond teams, unless they're new, will rarely lose on Mondays. 

    As @Bigpredfan pointed out, there's a growing gap between our batters and the pitchers they face as we move up in tiers. However, it's my opinion that the difference in upgrades is just a big a factor, if not more so. Going from 40%, to 60%, etc, etc. is HUGE! In most cases, despite the growing gap, the pitchers we face also get better. There is no such correlation with upgrades.
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    Only the last 4 on classic are diamond. I say start cycle capping on Monday and you could get your team built up in no time. I had 0 d10 hitters Monday and ended the day with 4 d10 hitters
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    More2Most2FirstMore2Most2First Registered Users, Member 777 Posts
    Thank you everyone for the input, I think I’ll stay put for one more WOH, then do the jump to Diamond next Wednesday...mainly because I ended up not having as much time to play today as I wanted and I want to get to Diamond 6 as quickly as possible from the time I make the jump.
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    bayoubengalbayoubengal Registered Users, Member 981 Posts
    What’s difficulty range on platinum if I were to make the jump. How many players should I be able to level? 
    First, congrats on not being the 1st person to ask this question.
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    More2Most2FirstMore2Most2First Registered Users, Member 777 Posts
    edited August 2019
    I don’t remember to be honest, but I know I did it wrong when I jumped to Platinum by evenly leveling 5 or 6 of my hitters to like Platinum 4, rather than leveling 2 or 3 players to 10.  Took me awhile to start even sniffing the HoF bonus player because of it...I do think I was able to still beat classic a few times the first Monday despite my rookie move, lol.

    Side note:  I made the jump to Diamond today and haven’t leveled anyone at all...still won 41 of my first 47 bonus games so far, so that’s encouraging.

    I did notice some other things and I’m tracking some information that I think people will find useful on here, which I will share after I hit each level of playoffs.


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