
Tues Club rewards vs Monday's club Rewards

DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
What do you guys think of the discrepancy?

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    COWPILEYCOWPILEY Registered Users, Member 825 Posts
    Hopefully a sign that LXPs might finally start flowing a little. 
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    Cooz19Cooz19 Registered Users 1,256 Posts
    edited August 2019
    They both equally look like rewards I won't achieve on either day. 

    Logically, though, it means they're releasing a lot more lxp for those who can reach those places. Based on what I read here, we're at the point where several high-level players have multiple Legends rotting away on their benches, so the game's giving you guys the gas to drive the best cars. All you have to do is play prime games...=) 
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    JEDDDOGGYJEDDDOGGY Registered Users, Member 2,460 Posts
    edited August 2019
    PXP and LXP will continue to be scarce until the MLB season is over and they need to open things up to keep people interested. At least it seems that way from how things went last year. Does anyone know when they added the 3k LXP to level 4 in WOH, or when the premium XP boxes that you'd win in CvC/WOH came out last year? Also, I think there was some absurd amount of PXP & LXP along with the guaranteed player reward on Mondays (something like 12k or more of each). I wonder when that was added.
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    I thought it was interesting that the rewards for monday/tues/thur are not the same across the board. Monday is the only that day that doesn't include lxp in the club rank rewards.
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    MattattackMattattack Registered Users 1,971 Posts
    Tuesday seems to have the highest rewards of the week and also seems to be the day that people least play in the club events.   I dont think this is a coincidence either.  I'm guessing its a way to put more value on the event as oppose to solo cvc.
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    benny100benny100 Registered Users, Member 757 Posts
    Yup - I noticed also that Monday is lacking lxp!! I hope it gets updated soon!
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    BOZZCOBOZZCO Registered Users, Member 102 Posts
    Monday is the only day where you can compete with out spending gold..... 12 hours of grinding will put you in the hunt
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    DFBB said:
    I thought it was interesting that the rewards for monday/tues/thur are not the same across the board. Monday is the only that day that doesn't include lxp in the club rank rewards.
    If it's like last week with Classic/All-Star being bxp guy and HoF a legend while no pxp offered the rewards "make Glu sense".
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    Tuesday requires more gold spending to compete, Monday requires playing the game. I think they prefer a little more gold spending 😉 I suppose it's also fair to have better compensation for the spending as well 🙄
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    JEDDDOGGYJEDDDOGGY Registered Users, Member 2,460 Posts
    edited August 2019
    To follow on my previous post, I found the thread for the Monday, October 8th 2018 WOH event and the level 5 rewards did not contain any XP whatsoever. The blue xp "Stats Leader" Blake Snell was the guaranteed reward along with a player box. Level 4 had a prime draft pick, 3k PXP and 50k cash. So it may be quite a while before we see much more XP added to the tower.

    EDIT: Monday, October 15th 2018 was also a guaranteed player (prime Yelich) and a player box. I'm still going through the old forum to see when they added XP.
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    MattattackMattattack Registered Users 1,971 Posts
    JEDDDOGGY said:
    To follow on my previous post, I found the thread for the Monday, October 8th 2018 WOH event and the level 5 rewards did not contain any XP whatsoever. The blue xp "Stats Leader" Blake Snell was the guaranteed reward along with a player box. Level 4 had a prime draft pick, 3k PXP and 50k cash. So it may be quite a while before we see much more XP added to the tower.

    EDIT: Monday, October 15th 2018 was also a guaranteed player (prime Yelich) and a player box. I'm still going through the old forum to see when they added XP.
    I think the premium boxes were only on Wednesday for a while.  Cant remember when they went to monday as well
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    JEDDDOGGYJEDDDOGGY Registered Users, Member 2,460 Posts
    edited August 2019
    I think the premium boxes were only on Wednesday for a while.  Cant remember when they went to monday as well

    October 10th 2018 (Royale) was just a player box, no XP or XP boxes or anything. Player box was POTW Luke Voit, Stats Leader deGrom, Sig Prime Yasiel Puig and Legend Jim Edmonds.

    October 22nd 2018 (another Monday) still no XP. Will update when I finally see XP or XP boxes in WOH.
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    It's been updated. Woohoo!!!
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    criffycriffy Registered Users, Member 625 Posts
    anybody able to track down when pxp was added to slugfest last year?
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    bigvivecbigvivec Registered Users, Member 2,133 Posts
    DFBB said:
    What do you guys think of the discrepancy?

    I think it's logical and meant to entice people to compete who might otherwise term Tuesdays a snoozefest.  WOH is heavily attended, people walk away with players and potentially huge stores of resources.  Tuesday could easily be a bye day if it weren't for Clash and these club prizes.  Additionally and maybe more importantly, I would guess that GLU doesn't really like CVC sniping, hopping or otherwise bouncing around during Clash and CVC events and by offering rewards to those who stay with their clubs for the entire event they discourage the practice by rewarding those who abstain.  

    The developers didn't make a mistake or casual oversight;  the discrepancy is calculated.
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    MattattackMattattack Registered Users 1,971 Posts
    JEDDDOGGY said:
    I think the premium boxes were only on Wednesday for a while.  Cant remember when they went to monday as well

    October 10th 2018 (Royale) was just a player box, no XP or XP boxes or anything. Player box was POTW Luke Voit, Stats Leader deGrom, Sig Prime Yasiel Puig and Legend Jim Edmonds.

    October 22nd 2018 (another Monday) still no XP. Will update when I finally see XP or XP boxes in WOH.

    i was able to find this from September 26 of last year 

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    JEDDDOGGYJEDDDOGGY Registered Users, Member 2,460 Posts
    Oh, weird... Well yeah, there's definitely an XP box then! Hmm I'm thinking that the premium xp box may have just been cutoff in all of the screenshots I was looking at yesterday then. I wonder if we'll go back to a "Royale Box" instead of guaranteed player on Wednesdays?

    Just checked 18 and eventually we got up to 4 XP boxes along with a Royale box. Then 3k LXP in level 4 as a reward per cycle too. Things will open up soon, I hope.

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    bobdylan_fanbobdylan_fan Registered Users, Member 303 Posts
    To be honest I am starting to get pissed with the lack of pxp that is available to the average player.....stinks to hell man!
    Rant over. Enjoy the rest of the day.
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    criffycriffy Registered Users, Member 625 Posts
    edited August 2019
    To be honest I am starting to get pissed with the lack of pxp that is available to the average player.....stinks to hell man!
    Rant over. Enjoy the rest of the day.
    Yeah I got pissed about it, paid about $40 in gifts for glove and ball donations and leveled up my club to platinum. having pxp from cvc so nice. you can actually level your primes, it's fun
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    criffy said:
    To be honest I am starting to get pissed with the lack of pxp that is available to the average player.....stinks to hell man!
    Rant over. Enjoy the rest of the day.
    Yeah I got pissed about it, paid about $40 in gifts for glove and ball donations and leveled up my club to platinum. having pxp from cvc so nice. you can actually level your primes, it's fun
    If anyone wants to send gifts for balls/gloves, lmk 😉
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    JustbowhuntJustbowhunt Registered Users 83 Posts
    Honestly I find it a bit comical. I know it matters to guys that have legends but for those that don’t it’s really pointless. Personally I’m sitting on 65k lxp and haven’t pulled a legend yet. Understand it’s part of the game so no complaints just funny when I see it. To players like me who have no legends it reminds me of the stickers. Koudos to those of you that have them. I would just like to see Glu adjust this bonus player situation. I mean if your going to change the bonus everyday you have fix the system to use those guys. Everyone on here told me not to level up my bonus players past bronze 10. Well I did that. Five bonus players and their batting average was a whopping .179! I averaged roughly only 80k a game and got killed in the brackets. They got to fix something. I mean that’s why you guys are looking for lxp right??
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