
WOH video boost not working

samthemansamtheman Registered Users, Member 686 Posts
Anyone else having this issue? I can play videos for gold, extra prime games, game boosts, etc. but they aren’t working for WOH at all.


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    bigvivecbigvivec Registered Users, Member 2,133 Posts
    I restart the app after 5.8 and close any open windows.  This precludes any issue.  
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    There was one video that would play but not register the boost, never had to deal with it for restarts however. Some 15 second poker app I think.
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    Cooz19Cooz19 Registered Users 1,256 Posts
    bigvivec said:
    I restart the app after 5.8 and close any open windows.  This precludes any issue.  
    Not a universal solution, an ad failing to fire can be caused by a dozen different things. 
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    bigvivec said:
    I restart the app after 5.8 and close any open windows.  This precludes any issue.  
    That shouldn't have to be an accepted method from players; to have to stop playing, force close the app, and reopen it just to make sure a vid boost/restart works. This game is extremely lazy and they just expect the users to find ways to deal with their 🐮💩
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    That's what it was like in 18 quite frequently. 19 vid playback has been considerably better in that regard. Rarely do I not get vids to play.*

    *...when quota not breached and vids are actually working/being served
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    Cooz19Cooz19 Registered Users 1,256 Posts
    That's what it was like in 18 quite frequently. 19 vid playback has been considerably better in that regard. Rarely do I not get vids to play.*

    *...when quota not breached and vids are actually working/being served
    They only didn't work on woh replays and cvc boosts for me. Videos between screen in the app work just fine all day. 
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    bigvivecbigvivec Registered Users, Member 2,133 Posts
    Cooz19 said:
    bigvivec said:
    I restart the app after 5.8 and close any open windows.  This precludes any issue.  
    Not a universal solution, an ad failing to fire can be caused by a dozen different things. 
    For me video failure is either caused by low bandwidth, too many windows open in my phone in which case hard close then close all other windows and restart or I need to reset the ad identifier.  That’s pretty much it;  I make a habit of restarting - whether it’s “right” or not - far too much of a pragmatist to worry about ethical considerations in regards to videos working or not.....I make a habit of restarting after 5.8 and so long as the vids had been working they continue to do so if I restart.  If I can’t get a vid to play it’s tine for the identifier reset, restart and it’s all good.   
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    samthemansamtheman Registered Users, Member 686 Posts
    bigvivec said:
    I restart the app after 5.8 and close any open windows.  This precludes any issue.  

    That didn’t fix it. They eventually started working when I disconnected from wi-fi. But videos have subsequently been spotty in all game modes this week. Had been fairly reliable for most of the life of this game, much better than 2018. I never even one time had a video problem in Tap 16 or 17.
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    bigvivecbigvivec Registered Users, Member 2,133 Posts
    samtheman said:
    bigvivec said:
    I restart the app after 5.8 and close any open windows.  This precludes any issue.  

    That didn’t fix it. They eventually started working when I disconnected from wi-fi. But videos have subsequently been spotty in all game modes this week. Had been fairly reliable for most of the life of this game, much better than 2018. I never even one time had a video problem in Tap 16 or 17.
    Meaning the issue is with your WiFi.  Upgrade that, get more badwith, sit next to the router, but don’t blame the game.  
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    bigvivec said:
    I restart the app after 5.8 and close any open windows.  This precludes any issue.  
    That shouldn't have to be an accepted method from players; to have to stop playing, force close the app, and reopen it just to make sure a vid boost/restart works. This game is extremely lazy and they just expect the users to find ways to deal with their 🐮💩
    I can't agree more man. My HoF cycles suffer because I have to do that crap before any meaningful round(5.10 and 6.9+). In SF, I was able to figure out a way to avoid accidentally double clicking on the same slugger, etc. I take a 'deal with it' approach to most aspects of the game, but that doesn't mean I like it. I do, however, send in feedback. Ultimately, that's all I can do.  
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    samthemansamtheman Registered Users, Member 686 Posts
    bigvivec said:
    samtheman said:

    I restart the app after 5.8 and close any open windows.  This precludes any issue.  

    That didn’t fix it. They eventually started working when I disconnected from wi-fi. But videos have subsequently been spotty in all game modes this week. Had been fairly reliable for most of the life of this game, much better than 2018. I never even one time had a video problem in Tap 16 or 17.
    Meaning the issue is with your WiFi.  Upgrade that, get more badwith, sit next to the router, but don’t blame the game.  
    No way it’s  the WiFi. If I have the bandwidth to stream 4K HDR video without a hiccup I have enough to play ads in a freemium phone game. It’s something with the game. Been working again for several days.
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