
Finally give a reason for my jailing

ShartskisShartskis Registered Users, Member 8 Posts

Well it finally happened, CS finally told me how i “cheated” and what i was jailed for. It only took a month of constant CS annoyance to get them to cave. Still doesnt help the cause but its a start.
I use an untampered with iphoke 6s and am a f2p player(reasons like this is why id never spend money on the game). Teams about 40k power level, i have i think 30 gold, and about 800k credits or cash or whatever its called(ive just been saving it up). I pretty much log in and get the daily gift and close the app so pretty much how my team got to 40k so far. 800k credits seems low im guessing compared to probably many of you. Still so confused on how clueless Glu is with their shit system.
i guess Glu considers being a f2p player cheating nowadays


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    mythicaldragonmythicaldragon Registered Users, Member 2,418 Posts
    That’s it the most detailed description ive ever seen glu give on a jailing 
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    ShartskisShartskis Registered Users, Member 8 Posts
    Thats why im pretty surprised. Ive recieved the same  copy pasta “were not allowed to tell you what didnt do but we dont care” message repeatedly over the past 2 months so this was a crazy sight to see
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    If your team is a 40k ts (I'm guessing bronze) with no money put in, why not just start a new account? Are you able to? 
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    They seem to jail a lot of of teams that dont spend and have a good amount of resources, players, gold, etc.. This happened to both myself and @DFBB where our club holder silver teams were both jailed days apart and   they gave us the same copy and pasted replies. Suspicious activity, credits dont add up, etc. Basicailly we still had ads on our teams and they collected gifts and played cvc from time to time. Didn't matter what we said, jailed and that was the end of it. Happens a  lot to F2P players.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    MetsicansMetsicans Registered Users, Member 1,046 Posts
    dkarski87 said:
    They seem to jail a lot of of teams that dont spend and have a good amount of resources, players, gold, etc.. This happened to both myself and @DFBB where our club holder silver teams were both jailed days apart and   they gave us the same copy and pasted replies. Suspicious activity, credits dont add up, etc. Basicailly we still had ads on our teams and they collected gifts and played cvc from time to time. Didn't matter what we said, jailed and that was the end of it. Happens a  lot to F2P players.

    Happened to me last year.  I watched a ton of videos, did a ton of offers, and saved gold and other resources all year, then got jailed in December.  They never told me why.

    I've spent a lot more money this year, though nowhere near VIP levels.  We'll see what happens....

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    ShartskisShartskis Registered Users, Member 8 Posts
    If your team is a 40k ts (I'm guessing bronze) with no money put in, why not just start a new account? Are you able to? 
    Because in the eyes of Glu, im using a tampered with device that has hacktools. So if i build another team up to where i am now, im most likely going to be jailed again or just be jailed from the start because not spending money is a crime against the Glu overlords
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    Shartskis said:
    Because in the eyes of Glu, im using a tampered with device that has hacktools. So if i build another team up to where i am now, im most likely going to be jailed again or just be jailed from the start because not spending money is a crime against the Glu overlords
    Fair point, but it could be worth a shot if you really want to play. There are definitely f2p guys here that haven't been jailed (yet?), so that shouldn't be the reasoning behind your jailing. Yes I'm aware of teams being jailed for no good reason in our eyes, but these teams must have triggered something in TSB's bootleg systems. No guarantee it'll happen to you again 🤷‍♂️
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    redlegs2018uredlegs2018u Registered Users, Member 1,048 Posts
    It’s probably some kind of algorithm that measures players/resources and other factors against say # of games they think you’d need to have played to gain said resources.  If someone logged in just to collect gifts and got pretty lucky consistently then I could see how they might “determine” something is amiss.  I don’t particularly like heavy handed actions handled in this sort of way and I believe all jailing should be reviewed on a case by case basis by a real person.  I’m not terribly concerned they don’t usually divulge the explicit reason as hacking efforts would use that information to make their efforts more difficult to detect, and many large gaming companies do similar things when handling banning though usually done in waves.
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    2much2much Registered Users, Member 15 Posts
    Pardon my ignorance but what is f2p... I’m guessing something to phone but I’m tired n my brain can’t phathom a legitimate F 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️
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    FrankTheTank04FrankTheTank04 Registered Users, Member 1,096 Posts
    @2much I think it's free to play.
    Just no.  
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    Yes, free to play. My bad 😊
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    ShartskisShartskis Registered Users, Member 8 Posts
    Just curious, is your phone jail broken
    Nope, normal iphone 6s. Havent tampered with it anyway. 
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    ShartskisShartskis Registered Users, Member 8 Posts
    It’s probably some kind of algorithm that measures players/resources and other factors against say # of games they think you’d need to have played to gain said resources.  If someone logged in just to collect gifts and got pretty lucky consistently then I could see how they might “determine” something is amiss.  I don’t particularly like heavy handed actions handled in this sort of way and I believe all jailing should be reviewed on a case by case basis by a real person.  I’m not terribly concerned they don’t usually divulge the explicit reason as hacking efforts would use that information to make their efforts more difficult to detect, and many large gaming companies do similar things when handling banning though usually done in waves.
    I do have i guess a lot of consumables like bonus games, franchise played coins and other crap like that. I havent really needed to use them ever so i might have like almost a few hundred of some of them( dont know what people who spend a little money here and there think is a lot in this game).  Ive just collected them from the daily gifts and havent used them. So itd make sense if the system thinks “oh this guy hasnt spent money so he shouldnt have all this” without taking in considerations of gifts
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    ShartskisShartskis Registered Users, Member 8 Posts
    Fair point, but it could be worth a shot if you really want to play. There are definitely f2p guys here that haven't been jailed (yet?), so that shouldn't be the reasoning behind your jailing. Yes I'm aware of teams being jailed for no good reason in our eyes, but these teams must have triggered something in TSB's bootleg systems. No guarantee it'll happen to you again 🤷‍♂️
    Im just being a butthurt person with my accusation of being banned for being f2p player haha.

    But i have been thinking that i might of been flagged since the day i downloaded because i dont remember ever being able to chat or participate in cvc games. I didnt know really know what was going on because i was a newbi in a brand new game so its kinda weird. I do have alot of consumables that i dont really ever use so theyve been piling up but ive just got them from the daily gifts but i guess the system could sse that as suspicious activity since i dont spend money on them but have a good amount.  I might restart and see what happens.
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