
Need input on how to handle club situation

reapercrew1107reapercrew1107 Registered Users, Member 7 Posts
Hey guys, so I'm caught in a struggle with my club at the moment. I'm the leader, only VIP and I like to see my club members try to get better. But when it comes to the CvC I can easily outscore everyone even without bonus players. I try to only play once a day, maybe 3 to 4 times a weekend trying to chase a legend in a box occasionally. The same three to four guys complain constantly when I win, but even when I dont play and leave them to compete on their own they dont manage to win. 
Should I just say to hell with it and keep winning or just keep them happy and keep my play to a minimum? Sorry for the long post, thanks for any feedback in advance.


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    ReadingFightingPhilsReadingFightingPhils Registered Users, Member 305 Posts
    You need winners, not whinners.  I would give them the boot.  I let my club try to win on their own occasionally, but I step in whenever needed.  If they complain, they can find another club.  
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    slafrance2slafrance2 Registered Users, Member 1,370 Posts
    I had a similar problem a few weeks ago, and sadly I had to boot them. Plus they were only trying to win CvC and not play in daily events.
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    Dc3085Dc3085 Registered Users, Member 50 Posts
    @Reapercrew9684 Tell them not to run up the score, the first round keep overall score low so the next round is easy to win. If the scores are kept low and you guys take turns should be easy to spread the wealth. I can win MVP and high round with 10 points. Big score means next round will be against a harder opponent 
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    reapercrew1107reapercrew1107 Registered Users, Member 7 Posts
    I've tried both approaches and the biggest problem I've seen, like slafrance2, is they'll try to win the CvC and not contribute anything at all during the event. The times they're losing and I try to help out I try to avoid getting MVP so they can get the boxes, but sometimes it's just unavoidable. My biggest pet peeve is when I see they did get a bonus player from the box and still not contribute.
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    LudwigMonsterLudwigMonster Registered Users, Member 381 Posts
    I'm in the same boat. My back hurts.
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    Dc3085Dc3085 Registered Users, Member 50 Posts
    If they dont or wont contribute then yes I say boot them. If you are trying to help them out and they still complain then I would definitely not hesitate to boot them.
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    reapercrew1107reapercrew1107 Registered Users, Member 7 Posts
    @LudwigMonster I feel ya. Of the 868 million points my club put up yesterday, I accounted for 856 million. So far today of the 30+mil they've put up 8k
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    I I say keep winning. There’s definitely strategy to winning cvc and if you know how to do it and you control the scores then it’s not that hard. If you’re putting up most of the points what do u need them for?
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    LudwigMonsterLudwigMonster Registered Users, Member 381 Posts
    A guy in my club dared to call me greedy cuz I beat him in CvC and pulled Piazza and Sherzer from the reward boxes. Can't make it up.
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    COWPILEYCOWPILEY Registered Users, Member 825 Posts
    My guy just yelled at me (all caps) for “not letting him win” even though he did little/nothing to improve him team. 
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    JTANDMEJTANDME Registered Users, Member 767 Posts

    That's all I have to say about that.Don't need no drama. 
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    TCFORTWINSTCFORTWINS Registered Users, Member 37 Posts
    I'm a club member and if I want to be part of a club, I must defer to the leader. It's my responsibility to improve my team and also be active in all club events in addition to CVC. It is also a member's responsibility to reach out to VIPs, club leaders and veteran members for advice. This is tour club and you call the shots. If they won't follow your lead, boot them out of the club.
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    mythicaldragonmythicaldragon Registered Users, Member 2,418 Posts
    I was in similar situation last year. Here is how I handled it. I told them I put in the time and money to build my team if you wanna beat me you need to do the same thing. No mercy 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    buddydavebuddydave Registered Users, Member 317 Posts
    If the team reward was more than just a tiny amount of BXP, this wouldn't be as much of an issue. Players would care more about the team victory than just the individual rewards.
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    slafrance2slafrance2 Registered Users, Member 1,370 Posts
    What annoys me is when theres like 15 minutes left in a round and a "teammate" tries to win the MVP.
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    LudwigMonsterLudwigMonster Registered Users, Member 381 Posts
    What annoys me is morons thinking that the boxes are pre-populated. My fellow club member thought that because I pulled 2 great players from the reward boxes it means he would've pulled them had he won.  
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    It sounds to me like a handful of you guys commenting here should team up. Why be the only one that's worthwhile in your club? You guys can help each other out, and occasionally be carried for a change.
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    reapercrew1107reapercrew1107 Registered Users, Member 7 Posts
    @mythicaldragon I agree completely! I invest a lot of time and a decent amount of money into this frustrating yet fun game. A lot of the time it's about just constantly grinding through woh or bonus games but I dont think they get that. It takes time to make a team better and yes a little luck with boxes. But to not do anything for your club and only play the cvc and in @slafrance2 case, snipe the boxes is just a slap in the face. 
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    FrankTheTank04FrankTheTank04 Registered Users, Member 1,096 Posts
    What annoys me is when theres like 15 minutes left in a round and a "teammate" tries to win the MVP.
    Dudes in my club try to do that and just run up the score.  I've explained it to them how it works and about sharing wins, but they didn't listen, so I usually just win most CvC matches lol.  I've put up a million so far, lets see what they do here in the next 15 mins.
    Just no.  
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    redlegs2018uredlegs2018u Registered Users, Member 1,048 Posts
    This is where being in a club with only 4 people is a beautiful thing, communicating is very easy and all of them are pretty capable and will let it go if one of us seems to have the win locked in.  I tend to destroy the Wednesday/Thursday events with a good not great D6 team (150kish) while I don’t score nearly as much in the prime events and the others seem to do a bit better.  If others are whining about boxes but not putting up the effort (hit autoplay people it’s not hard) just kick them and save yourself the aggravation.  I left my last club because my back hurt so much.
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    DaveMustangDaveMustang Registered Users, Member 428 Posts
    Dude, I'm a club leader of a few VIPs. I'm not one. I just can't afford it.  However, don't give in.   Loyalty is earned not given. I'm proud of earning the respect "my" VIPs give.  Don't let anyone take advantage. 
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    DaveMustangDaveMustang Registered Users, Member 428 Posts
    Dude, I'm a club leader of a few VIPs. I'm not one. I just can't afford it.  However, don't give in.   Loyalty is earned not given. I'm proud of earning the respect "my" VIPs give.  Don't let anyone take advantage. 

    That all being said, I have room for another.  Interested????  😁
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    BigHurtBigHurt Registered Users, Member 157 Posts
    Imo, the simplest way to be happy in a club = be in a club of one. 

    I've been in several clubs now, and i'm by far the happiest in my lonely club of me, myself, and I. 
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    slafrance2slafrance2 Registered Users, Member 1,370 Posts
    What annoys me is when theres like 15 minutes left in a round and a "teammate" tries to win the MVP.
    Dudes in my club try to do that and just run up the score.  I've explained it to them how it works and about sharing wins, but they didn't listen, so I usually just win most CvC matches lol.  I've put up a million so far, lets see what they do here in the next 15 mins.
    I actually just kicked someone for this. After 1. Telling them to contribute in daily event and not just CvC and 2. For running up a score within the last 2 minutes when the opposing team had a goose egg. 
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    bigvivecbigvivec Registered Users, Member 2,133 Posts
    edited September 2019
    In the last few clubs I’ve been in we have managed to avoid this issue.  Stronger players have their own CvC clubs or snipe;  we win 90-100% of the rounds we play.  Those same players are free to float to discount clubs if we haven’t gotten the .3 for the weekend.  In between CvC it clash we come back “home” and add to the aggregate point total.  Players who are homebodies, can’t be bothered to run around or need help to win CvC matches stay together at the home base and take turns winning. If someone feels that they could or should win more if the matchups the door is open to go do that.  Stronger players forgo club event rewards in favor of mobility and what amounts to better rewards in the end considering the xp / boxes won.  

    The mobility allows stronger players to hit discount clubs, evo hunt, sell points for gifts, do charity.   If it wasn’t for the mobility the weekend would be deadly boring.  
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    COWPILEYCOWPILEY Registered Users, Member 825 Posts
    BigHurt said:
    Imo, the simplest way to be happy in a club = be in a club of one. 

    I've been in several clubs now, and i'm by far the happiest in my lonely club of me, myself, and I. 
    Would agree with you but getting a solo club to plat is a daunting task at best. 
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    Semi-related, but I just thought I'd add my two cents. When recruiting or considering a new addition to the club, I no longer prioritize points. I'd much rather have guys that add to the club chat, which makes the game infinitely more enjoyable. 
    @bigvivec I've noticed that approach among many clubs and I like it. 
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    COWPILEYCOWPILEY Registered Users, Member 825 Posts
    Too many Shaolin Monk clubs where everyone has taken the oath of silence
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    BigHurtBigHurt Registered Users, Member 157 Posts
    COWPILEY said:
    BigHurt said:
    Imo, the simplest way to be happy in a club = be in a club of one. 

    I've been in several clubs now, and i'm by far the happiest in my lonely club of me, myself, and I. 
    Would agree with you but getting a solo club to plat is a daunting task at best. 
    I felt the same way; however, in two months time me and a buddy have leveled up two clubs from b1 to platinum. If you're willing to get through the bonus games, it goes pretty fast. 
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    bigvivecbigvivec Registered Users, Member 2,133 Posts
    DFBB said:
    Semi-related, but I just thought I'd add my two cents. When recruiting or considering a new addition to the club, I no longer prioritize points. I'd much rather have guys that add to the club chat, which makes the game infinitely more enjoyable. 
    @bigvivec I've noticed that approach among many clubs and I like it. 
    Yeah.....our club is as much social as anything. 
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