
Platinum 6 vs Diamond 1

MillecorsMillecors Registered Users, Member 754 Posts
Is the beginning of Diamond "easier" than the end of Platinum 6?  Seems that has been the case on the previous levels.


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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    When I went diamond I cycled d1-d6 with all bats at p10 and maybe 3 pitchers at d1. As long as you have capped bats in plat with decent leveled skills you should be fine.
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    I take that back. Think I went d1-d4 with above bats and once the weekend hit I capped 2 bonus bxp guys and brought a prime to D6. Then I cycled the rest d4-d6.
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