
Evo hunting question

mwilson829mwilson829 Registered Users, Member 364 Posts
I've been hunting evo all morning, and from time to time when I try to join a club, it tells me that I don't meet the minimum star rating.  I am a diamond team with a 135K team strength.  What star rating could I possibly fail to meet?


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    BizertoBizerto Registered Users, Member 105 Posts
    It happens to me sometimes too @mwilson829
    do you have scrubs in your subs and relievers spots?? That may be the problem...
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    mwilson829mwilson829 Registered Users, Member 364 Posts
    @Bizerto I do actually.  It's too much trouble to swap them in and out every time I want to play a season game, so I pretty much operate full time with a stable full of scrub relievers.  If it only looks at starters, I guess that could drag down my average star rating.  Thanks.
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    It’s definitely your subs and any other low tier player that might be in your lineup. The rating is the average numbers of stars for the players on your roster. 
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