
WoH: A detailed breakdown of our favorite event!

DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
edited April 2019 in General TSB Discussion
Hey guys! As some of you may know, I have way too much time on my hands. I'm also fairly experienced with WoH. Hopefully, this can help those who are struggling with WoH or maybe make things a tad easier. Here's a breakdown of how I've been attacking our favorite event:

I will jump straight to level 3 because the first two levels don't require much thought. I will mention specific batters that are on my team, but I'll note them as my best bat vs leftys/rightys, etc. and you can follow accordingly.

Level 3:

3.1-3.5: (Right/right/right/left/right) None of these guys are problematic. Give yourself the platoon advantage and it's relatively free. 'Sim away!
3.6: (right)Everyone's favorite! Mr. Triggs is '18's version of Hendricks. We really shouldn't have so much trouble with anyone in level 3, yet, here we are. I recommend using your best bat vs rightys. I either use my keeper Ichiro(skills at 5/5) or my legend(skills at level 8). Video boosting is highly recommended. You can even 'sim here with decent success rate.
3.7: (left)I've been using Ichiro at 3.6 so it frees up my legend for 3.7. Even w/o a skill against leftys, I have zero problems here. I don't even bother to video boost. Of note, I use my 2nd best bat vs leftys here.
3.8: (left)This dude is very tough. I suggest using your best bat vs leftys here. I use my keeper JT and I have no problems. However, expect lots of weak singles because apparently, Buchter is immune to giving up extra base hits. 
3.9: (left)Absolutely free. I don't think I've ever lost here. Currently, I use the fantasy Trout(a woh prize a few weeks ago) and he does a great job. Any decent righty bat should work just fine. No boost needed.
3.10:(left) I use my third best bat vs leftys vs Fried. Domingo does an excellent job. I probably don't even need a video boost, but I use it anyways. Absolutely no issues.

Level 4:

4.1-4.4: (Right/right/right/left) These dudes are pretty easy. Again, just match up accordingly and give yourself the platoon advantage and you'll be fine.
4.5:(right) Floro is a tough righty. I've been using potw Yelich and the 325max Lowe and they've crushed him. Prior, however, I had a lot of trouble here while using guys like the WoH reward Votto, unboosted potw Yelich, etc. I would use my 3rd best bat vs rightys here. If you have someone like Lowe, no boost is necessary. You can also 'sim here with decent success, but I hate the thought of burning cash and it's far from a free 'sim.
4.6: (right)Currently, Baez is considerably easier on Mondays than Weds. The former has us down by just one run as opposed to two runs on Weds. Huge, huge difference! Anyways, I highly recommend using your best bat vs rightys here. For my team, my legend and keeper Ichiro are fairly interchangeable, but I've chosen to use my legend here. He does really well. I highly recommend a video boost. If you're not strapped on cash, 'simming here nets reasonable results too.
4.7: (right) Armstong is similar to Floro. I use my keeper Ichiro here. No boosting is necessary, but don't take him lightly.
4.8: (right)Definitely the 'free parking' spot in level 4. Any good lefty should be able to crush Castillo. Unlike Buchter, this dude loves to serve up extra base hits!
4.9: (left) MadBum isn't too bad. We're down 2, but they give us two guys on base. I've been using Domingo here and with a video boost, I don't think he's ever lost. If you don't have Domingo/Trout(risp), use your 2nd best bat vs leftys here.
4.10:(left)Lester can be such a pain. I use my best bat vs leftys here and it's far from a sure thing. I video boost every single time and JT is roughly 60% effective here. Definitely save your replay for this dude. Unfortunately, I have to use it way too often vs Lester. Every time JT loses to Lester, I question why I left Mantle behind. That and I keep reminding myself that Lester is going to be JT's um, you know, 'friend,' after our keepers gets boosted. Haha!

Level 5:

5.1-5.4: (All rightys)Fairly basic here. I just use my leftys and I 'sim with ease through them. 
5.5: (left)The parade of leftys start here and I find Nuno to be more difficult than Matz(5.6). I use Domingo here and there are no issues. For context, I'd recommend using your 3rd best bat vs leftys here.
5.6: (left)Basically, a free parking spot. Matz serves up extra base hits as if it's going out of style. You can 'sim here, but save the cash and get through it with one or two swings. I use Trout here, but any decent righty bat will crush Matz.
5.7: (left)Definitely NOT free. Mr. Miley is such a pain. He's basically a better version of Bucter. Fortunately, like Bucter, we're only down 1 run. I use JT(my best bat vs leftys) and he does a great job vs Miley. JT doesn't need a video boost, but if you have weaker options, I definitely recommend it. 
5.8: (right)I consider this a relatively free spot as well. They changed the pitcher last week, but kept the same type of rhp. A bit tougher with the change, a good lefty should easily get the job done. Lots of extra base hits here too! 
5.9: (left)They changed it from Price and threw in a similar lefty in Manea. This spot can be super annoying. I use my legend here, but it's certainly not free. I video boost every single time, with a success rate of around 65-70%. I'd use my 2nd best bat vs leftys here, but saving your best for this spot wouldn't be a terrible idea. This is the first spot where I'd consider using my replay. 
5.10: (right) Whenever I get to 5.10, I usually breathe a sigh of relief. If I have a replay in my pocket, I'm extremely confident. Then, they pulled Octavino and inserted Alvarez. Ugh. It's still not too bad, but I had considerably more trouble with Alvarez. Small sample size and maybe it was just bad RNG. I use Ichiro and a video boost here. That combo just owned Octavino/Sanchez(Weds), but again, had more trouble with Alvarez. I strongly recommend at least a video boost and ideally, a video replay in your pocket.

Notes: You may have noticed that no gold boosting was mentioned. I have solid bats and coupled with patience, I didn't think it was necessary to boost with gold. However, if time is an issue, gold certainly makes things easier and faster. Keep in mind that while a 'new' WoH mode/experience is expected as early as Monday, the thought process should be the biggest takeaway. It's not always about saving your best bats for the end of each levels. I applaud GLU for making us 'think' a little bit. I can't stress this enough, but take advantage of the 15% live boost. It's an absolute game changer. If anyone has any questions, I'm usually around. GL guys! 

If you're not having fun, you're losing.


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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    Thanks @DFBB . This is consistent with most of the approach I took last week. Last 2 cycles were during live boost and didn't require anything but vid boost and 1 gold restart on 5.10 as I used video restart somewhere else.

    Triggs, Floro, Lester and Miley are all so tricky because of the soft stuff they throw. Really need to let the pitch get deep or it's little toppers pulled to short and third or out-in-front lazy flyballs to OF. Conversely, Castillo throws gas which, for me anyway, is infinitely easier to make good contact against.
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    Scioscia_FanScioscia_Fan Registered Users, Member 266 Posts
    Triggs, Baez & Price have been my three headaches each week. Persistence eventually prevails though.

    Very nice guide though, thanks for taking the time.
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    JudgeJudge Registered Users, Member 64 Posts
    Great summary @DFBB

    it will be an interesting week to see if/how any changes to WOH are incorporated. 
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    I've seen better write ups for WOH then that. @DFBB try again. You missed out a few things like.....(wait I wont tell GLU cause they will change it) way to go brotha!
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    ZaneJ78ZaneJ78 Registered Users, Member 369 Posts
    It may be just me too but I think once you cycle thru once it gets easier week to week. Last year once I cycled for the 1st time I was able to do it with ease from then on. This year cycled last Monday and Wednesday. If my theory is correct today should be a breeze.
    Need more Living Legends!
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    benny100benny100 Registered Users, Member 757 Posts
    @DFBB - can't stress enough how useful your summary has been - using my strongest bats in places I wouldn't normally think to do it, and where the easier rounds are hiding made for a smooth cycle!
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    yellahammersyellahammers Registered Users, Member 13 Posts
    @DFBB - This is AMAZING! I'm still haven't been able to cycle, but this is my first time past 3.6...and I've made it to 4.10! I'll keep grinding I guess.
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    I'm glad some of you guys were able to take something out of the thread. I even got a nice message in game about it. 
    @yellahammers As you continue to get better bats, you'll get there man!
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    JoshGreenJoshGreen Registered Users, Member 53 Posts
    First time to cycle was last week. This was a major help for me to be able to go back to back. I use to sit and think my team was good enough I can just autoplay my top 10 batters and be fine... I was sadly mistaken and learned real quick it takes a legit strategy. There is much more to WOH and I've tried to advocate that to other club members but they seem to be just as stubborn as I once was. 

     *** IMO I prefer spending real money on club boosts opposed to spending in game gold just makes me feel better about the restarts without blowing thru hundreds of gold. 
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    mancov2001mancov2001 Registered Users, Member 62 Posts
    Thank you for this, it helped out a lot!
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    yellahammersyellahammers Registered Users, Member 13 Posts
    Thanks @DFBB I did make it to 5.10 last night but couldn’t make it past. Probably due more to time constraints than anything else. Getting closer!
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    Consulted this many times yesterday and the one thing I think that it's missing is maybe the distinction of throwing hand (lhp,rhp) next to round. @DFBB would you mind appending that to the post?
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    I tried to include an update in the original post, but it was too long to be in one post. Instead, here it is:

    ***Update**** 4-30-19

    Monday's Woh was my first in gold. Here's a recap:

    Level 3: I sim'd easily up to Triggs. I manually used Ichiro(5/5 skills) vs Triggs and this was the first noticeable difference from silver to gold. Ichiro easily beat Triggs repeatedly and I didn't even need a video boost. I followed the same script as outlined above and had very little trouble. However, 3.9 wasn't as free as I remembered. Maybe it's because my bat was weaker(Franco instead of Trout), but I lost a couple of times and oddly, this was the only spot in level 3 where I used a video boost. Domingo just repeatedly crushed 3.10.

    Level 4: Floro(righty) was a tad annoying at times. I used Lowe and maybe it was just bad luck with rng, but early on, I lost a few times. Ultimately, it worked out fine and I didn't even bother with a video boost. My legend absolutely crushed Baez and everything went as planned. Then, Mr. Lester. Down 3? Wha! I wasn't exactly thrilled when I heard that we were down 3 to Lester. I had struggled vs him in Silver and well, this wasn't going to be easier, right? I was wrong. Once again, I felt the power of gold. With a video boost(and some live boosting), JT went 12 for 14 vs Lester. Was it fluky and just great rng in my favor? Most certainly. I still don't feel particularly confident, but I'll take those results any day of the week.

    level 5: The same formula worked really well up until Miley. In silver, down 1, I didn't feel like I needed a video boost. However, we're now down 2 and after consecutive loses, I decided I needed to video boost. With the boost, JT mowed down Miley. Familia at 4.8 wasn't the free parking that i had remembered either. I also video boosted vs Familia after a couple of losses without any boosting. Manea at 5.9 was easy early on, but became a huge pain as the day progressed. I guess it was just rng balancing itself out. I found him to be easier in gold, but far from free. Goes without saying, but I video boosted vs him too. 5.10 Alvarez was MUCH easier in gold than silver. Ichiro, with a video boost, absolutely destroyed Alvarez. Just enjoy the homers because there will be plenty! :) 

    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    Thanks for the awesome post. I thought that going gold was the way to go and you just gave me more incentive to do it
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    Thanks @DFBB !
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    scottpdannscottpdann Registered Users, Member 162 Posts
    @DFBB, Thank you so much! My first cycle of 2019. You have now officially surpassed @Houmy as the most helpful guy on the forum. Too bad the awards suck so badly for it. Those Cardinal boxes were terrible and Goldy isn't a bonus player today. 
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    @scottpdann Thanks, but you're wrong. I've never seen anyone who gives as much of their time as @Houmy, To quote a friend, 'he's THE vip in my eyes.' Either way, many of us are here to help and I'm glad you found it useful. Congrats on the cycle!
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    HoumyHoumy Registered Users, Member 3,889 Posts
    ☝ goes in a corner and sits sadly now until the end of *time  😢😢😢

    *official release of TSB20
    "Get ready for some NFTs" - VIP NEWSLETTER ca. 2022

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    HoumyHoumy Registered Users, Member 3,889 Posts
    DFBB said:
    @scottpdann Thanks, but you're wrong. I've never seen anyone who gives as much of their time as @Houmy, To quote a friend, 'he's THE vip in my eyes.' Either way, many of us are here to help and I'm glad you found it useful. Congrats on the cycle!
    @DFBB thanks for the kind words brother but you are THE most helpful member on the forum  👍 (Except those ATG boost rants. What was up with those? 🤔🤨😏)

    @scottpdann DON'T TALK TO ME.  😁
    "Get ready for some NFTs" - VIP NEWSLETTER ca. 2022

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    RogDogRogDog Registered Users, Member 4 Posts
    Do the pitcher's rating change, go higher, or stay the same  in gold vs silver?
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    UltimateWarriorUltimateWarrior Registered Users, Member 543 Posts
    @RogDog as your level increases from Silver to Gold so does your pitchers in WOH. Pitchers also change out and get better during the course of the year as well as Overall players increase.
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    RogDog said:
    Do the pitcher's rating change, go higher, or stay the same  in gold vs silver?

    It's their gold versions. I believe that team upgrades make more of an impact at gold+ tiers and that's the primary reason that WoH is easier in higher tiers.
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    redlegs2018uredlegs2018u Registered Users, Member 1,048 Posts
    IMO it’s easier to win WoH at higher divisions (Gold+) because of the separation of numbers between the hitter and pitchers also grows (Hosmer keeper at Gold 10 207 vs Alvarado Gold 1 at 107 vs Hosmer at say 150ish vs Alvarado Silver 1 at I wanna say 84 or so).  It’s more apparent in the middle levels with guys like Triggs, Floro, Baez which in silver could be problematic while in gold the separation makes them autoable much more easily.  The classic setup favors plat and diamond players more right now because the pitching outside of about 8 to 10 matchups is gold or less due to star ratings. Maybe I’m gun shy but I haven’t moved up expecting them to adjust the tower soon.
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    ZaneJ78ZaneJ78 Registered Users, Member 369 Posts
    I really struggle with the soft throwing lefties such as Lester, Miley, Leblanc. I found that using a rh batter with high power works best.
    Need more Living Legends!
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    matt_sackettmatt_sackett Registered Users, Member 1,540 Posts
    I have had my struggles with Dough-boy lester after my first cycle (first world probs) and have found that it appears after #1 I feel like it gets a tad harder even though it "remains the same"  Same batter same boost more of the poop balls that lester throws
    Nothing in life is as beautiful as the Balsamic thread.

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    ZaneJ78ZaneJ78 Registered Users, Member 369 Posts
    I have had my struggles with Dough-boy lester after my first cycle (first world probs) and have found that it appears after #1 I feel like it gets a tad harder even though it "remains the same"  Same batter same boost more of the poop balls that lester throws

    Depends on the day I guess. I struggled mightily on Monday my 1st time thru. After that it was a breeze.  
    Need more Living Legends!
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    The one strat that has helped me the most after skill-pitcher matchups is going to opposite field literally all the time. I've also tried to fight off the straight stuff on the corners with foul balls the best I could which more often are resulting in bloop singles. Breaking balls on edge or quite obviously out of the zone result in pop-ups IF I can even make any contact.

    Playing long enough on WoH days you start to see some strange behaviours from otherwise fairly predictable spots like Castillo at 4.8 twice not throwing a fastball this past Monday. Or Lester ONLY throwing fastballs resulting in a walk-off on 4 pitches. Many 1 pitch rounds for Manea, Buchter and Madbum, stuff like that. The more I play the more I think these chances were always there but for whatever reason I wasn't able to take advantage.
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    RogDogRogDog Registered Users, Member 4 Posts
    Which Team Upgrades have you found that we should max out first ,  to help the most in WOH at the Gold Level?
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    I generally transition well and a huge reason is because I'm able to cap out the 'hitting' upgrade for whatever tier I'm in. Ideally, you can cap hitting, training, clutch, and in the zone.
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    RogDogRogDog Registered Users, Member 4 Posts
    IMO it’s easier to win WoH at higher divisions (Gold+) because of the separation of numbers between the hitter and pitchers also grows (Hosmer keeper at Gold 10 207 vs Alvarado Gold 1 at 107 vs Hosmer at say 150ish vs Alvarado Silver 1 at I wanna say 84 or so).  It’s more apparent in the middle levels with guys like Triggs, Floro, Baez which in silver could be problematic while in gold the separation makes them autoable much more easily.  The classic setup favors plat and diamond players more right now because the pitching outside of about 8 to 10 matchups is gold or less due to star ratings. Maybe I’m gun shy but I haven’t moved up expecting them to adjust the tower soon.
    is it fair to expect each pitchers in woh will go up about 20 or so points in rank?   So then what rank in Gold would your batter be equally competitive.   was your Hosmer only competitive once he was at Gold 10 vs Alvarado,  or would perhaps Gold 7 been enough?

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