
Skills Activating/Deactivating - Response from Support

blueprintsblueprints Registered Users, Member 96 Posts
So I figured I would take a chance and ask the support team about activating/deactivating player skills.... here’s the response that I got!

I guess that solves it? Skills do in fact activate/deactivate mid-round in WoH. 


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    mythicaldragonmythicaldragon Registered Users, Member 2,418 Posts
    So they say...... 🤔
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    redlegs2018uredlegs2018u Registered Users, Member 1,048 Posts
    edited November 2019
    Unfortunately we can only take CS responses with a grain of salt I’ve seen them answer this question both ways.  It would make sense that they would be dynamic, but prior experience with things like double blowout tend to make me wonder at least in that inning the skill state stays the same as it appears it treats a round of WoH as one combo at bat. If that is indeed the case then the skills you start with are the skills you have for that matchup. One way we could know for sure after each at bat they would show our overall and skills portrait.  Now that would be tedious to have to force the next at bat at least it would be more transparent.
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    WaveburnerWaveburner Registered Users, Member 290 Posts
    Probably the number one takeaway since I started reading here in April - don't take a response from Glu CS as definitive. 
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    CS has no clue, they just copy and paste re-written responses like that one. Some CS said they do, other say they dont. Go off your own experiences.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    It would be nice if every time that there was a change in the skills being active or not active that it would show it on the screen. Such as when the blowout skill is no longer active in woh that it would change the ratings and make you click on the screen like you do when it’s the first pitch of a new AB or round of woh. Then we would know what’s active and what’s not. Many of us have our own theories but none can be proven. 
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    ShoveItUpYoenis2ShoveItUpYoenis2 Registered Users, Member 952 Posts
    Thank you for clearing things out 
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    whammo911whammo911 Registered Users, Member 963 Posts
    I think whatever you start with is the most important, even if a skill turns off I don’t think it matters since the sequence has already been determined for the round. Atleast that’s my experience. I know when I lace that ground ball right down the line for a double I have a winning sequence since I never lost in woh when I get that hit.
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    MoenPDCMoenPDC Registered Users, Member 615 Posts
    They aren’t going to admit to a flaw in their coding. Trust me I’ve used double blowout skills on 6.10 in HOF and if they deactivated I would have been curved to death. Trust me they don’t activate/ deactivate . How bout this use a double runner on skill on 6.10 with bases empty and tell me how many curves you get after you manage to get a hit. 

    Then again I’m assuming you get to 6.10
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    MoenPDCMoenPDC Registered Users, Member 615 Posts
    TBH I think that the reason the coding is like this is so they could keep the pre game boosts active the entire woh ab. They were lazy and the unintended result was that the pregame skill boosts last the entire ab. 

    That’s my assumption on why

    trust me , I play HOF woh 12 hours every Monday , every week. It’s been tested many times. Don’t believe glu 
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    ukw21ukw21 Registered Users, Member 22 Posts
    It says every match not every at bat
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    HoumyHoumy Registered Users, Member 3,889 Posts
    edited November 2019
    I believe they just screwed up their coding when skills where introduced and just started giving out the random activation excuse when they were found out. Much easier for them that way than going through the hassle of refunds for a piece of code that wasn't working.

    Their own FAQ on skills never mentions skills activating/deactivating randomly. Trust me, I've been through this with them and they had to change CS reps 4 times in the same ticket & different stories from each one. #skillsgate

    "Get ready for some NFTs" - VIP NEWSLETTER ca. 2022

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    MetsicansMetsicans Registered Users, Member 1,046 Posts

    Just because one person says so, doesn't make it so.  I mean, I don't mean to be jerk, but what you have here is anecdotal evidence at best (i.e., Moen's experience), while many others have reported that they felt like their hitters lacked "oomph" when their skills went inactive mid-round.  Could it be because the script said they were going to lose, and the script was determined off of the initial matchup, taking into account boosts?  Absolutely.  Could it be that boosts just don't switch off?  Sure.  Or, the game might actually work as intended, with Blowout turning off when the game gets close.

    There really is no way to know, and one person's experience is not determinative of the answer here.  We're all guessing.  (Also, be very wary of assuming the Diamond experience is the same as the Silver or Gold experience--they are very different.)

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    HoumyHoumy Registered Users, Member 3,889 Posts
    @Metsicans there have been screenshots of skills not showing as active in situations where they should have been, so even if the RNG decided that you should lose the skills should still have been active.
    "Get ready for some NFTs" - VIP NEWSLETTER ca. 2022

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    MattattackMattattack Registered Users 1,971 Posts
    Houmy said:
    I believe they just screwed up their coding when skills where introduced and just started giving out the random activation excuse when they were found out. Much easier for them that way than going through the hassle of refunds for a piece of code that wasn't working.

    Their own FAQ on skills never mentions skills activating/deactivating randomly. Trust me, I've been through this with them and they had to change CS reps 4 times in the same ticket & different stories from each one. #skillsgate

    "For now, only batters have Skills."

    Interesting I dont think I've seen that actually written somewhere before which would confirm what we know about pitchers skills.   Not that it needed confirming
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    If I remember correctly @Houmy, the way they explained it last year at-least  for other modes was that the higher the skills were the greater chance they had to be activated. Like you said tho, skills were based on RNG as well. So the higher the skills the greater chance they would turn on, that why we saw at times skills didn't turn on even when the conditions were met. Skills were dependent on RNG activation, not for WOH because we can see at the start if they are on or off, but other modes they explained as such.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    HoumyHoumy Registered Users, Member 3,889 Posts
    @dkarski87 they had a number of explanations for skills not activating non of which was explained before hand when they had us spending resources like crazy upgrading those skills. So even if skills were always supposed to be random it would still be somewhat of false advertising not relaying that information from the beginning. 

    Of course I'll always believe it was just a cover up for a coding mistake. After all, l hardly have to convince any of you about how bad the coding in this game is. right? RIGHT?
    "Get ready for some NFTs" - VIP NEWSLETTER ca. 2022

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    samthemansamtheman Registered Users, Member 686 Posts
    Skillgate is back!
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    Cooz19Cooz19 Registered Users 1,256 Posts
    Not writing to bump this up, but wanted to throw a different angle at this. I haven't seen it discussed previously, but maybe I missed it. 

    Isn't it possible that it isn't the skills that change, but rather, the pitcher? Everything discussed here suggests the hitter's rating fluctuates but the pitcher's doesn't. That can't be the case -- yes, I know pitcher's skills aren't active. Who's to say their ratings don't fluctuate at-bat to at-bat? 

    This is purely based on my own experience, but I have plenty of at-bats with dual-skills active for the entire round, and I crush 2-3 in a row, then can't get anything. If skills are a constant in giving you a huge advantage, why does your hitter cool off so drastically? 

    Skills being as important as they are seems to play into that. Base vs base, then the pitcher removes some from the hitter, but the hitter's skills value negate that. Something along those lines. 
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    mwilson829mwilson829 Registered Users, Member 364 Posts
    Personally, I don't think anything changes once the round starts.  I believe that the pitch sequence is set the moment you hit play, with each "at bat" predetermined to result in either hittable pitches or unhittable pitches.  I think that which of those two you get for each "at bat" is determined by a RNG based on percentages stemming from the gap between your hitter's OVR and the pitcher's OVR (or, possibly, between your batter's HIT rating and the pitcher's STUFF rating, with your batter's PWR rating only coming into play once the RNG decides that you will get a hit that "at bat").  The bigger the gap in ratings, the higher the percentage likelihood that you will get hittable pitches in a particular "at bat," which means that the more you boost (via video, gold, live boost, etc.), the higher the percentage chance of hittable pitches, and the more likely it is that the RNG will spit out a winning pitch sequence.

    That said, since it is still based on percentages, there will always be times where you are "unlucky" and the RNG spits out three "at bats" with unhittable pitches before it gives you enough "at bats" with hittable pitches to let you win.  That would explain why a batter who has crushed 6.10 through 4 cycles may get tripped up on the 5th time through (or whatever).

    If the hittable/unhittable pitch sequence isn't set at the moment the round starts, then guys with skills like blowout should not be able to consistently beat 4.10, 5.10 and 6.8-6.10.  Once they pull within 4 runs, they should start seeing more unhittable pitches, but that simply has not been the case, at least not in my experience.  Same for levels where one man starts on base and you are using a guy with the on base skill.  Even if you immediately hit a home run, I simply have not seen a difference in pitch sequence afterwards.
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    [Glu Sports] Mr. Uni[Glu Sports] Mr. Uni Registered Users, Administrator, Member 11 Posts
    Skills will not activate if the skill level hasn't been upgraded past 0. 

    Each skill also has requirements that need to be met for them to activate. They will deactivate if they aren't met at anytime. 

    For example, with the Rally skill if you are down 3 it will be active, but if your opponent scores 1 and you are now down 4 it will deactivate at that moment. Hope this helps!
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    False. Proof or I call BS.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    [Glu Sports] blueleopard[Glu Sports] blueleopard Administrator, Moderators 815 Posts
    Mr. Uni has 9 posts.  He'll only speak when it's important., but you have my permission to call "Best Statement."
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    scottsmith744scottsmith744 Registered Users, Member 170 Posts
    They are coming out in force today.  Mr uni  and blue But not on the hot topic of the day they will not see that thread at all And just ignore it
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    @mruni & Blueleopard how about when skills change during an AB while playing woh we get an updated screen to show us that. It could be the same as starting a new AB when you have to tap the screen to get the AB started. 
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    fahhq2fahhq2 Registered Users, Member 850 Posts
    For example, with the Rally skill if you are down 3 it will be active, but if your opponent scores 1 and you are now down 4 it will deactivate at that moment. Hope this helps.

    No one is really concerned about skills de/activating during actual games. The question is focused on mini games such as WoH and CvC. 
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    MoenPDCMoenPDC Registered Users, Member 615 Posts
    listen people who jsut want to "believe glu " or think " thats the way it should be "

    I just brought a blowout 450 juan soto to 20/20 and capped

    if he destroys thigpen your welcome, I just proved my point
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    chris320320chris320320 Registered Users, Member 70 Posts
    So I’m playing a match me game this morning (accidentally tapped too fast, I know) and didn’t do a video boost. Can someone at GLU tell me what conditions were met for me to get this boosted at bat. #skillgateliveson
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    COWPILEYCOWPILEY Registered Users, Member 825 Posts
    Are you sure you are not down 20 gold ?
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    chris320320chris320320 Registered Users, Member 70 Posts
    I am positive I'm not down 20 gold.  I made sure after I clicked match me to stop and look at the match up first and go slowly from there.
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