
Over $150 For Weekday Bonus Players Now On Top Of Boxes

drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

Opened the app this morning to see how if anything new was added before tomorrow since I will only be playing Royale and WoH going forward. (Two weeks and counting of not farming gold!).

I look and see they have now added ANOTHER $100 Pitcher, which makes like the 40th Legend pitcher now. We will also have an extra box today with garbage odds that will likely have another pitcher.

This is on top of the useless Prime guys they put in there earlier in the week at $10 a pop. Then I see they added another one for $30.

I'm sorry, but this is beyond comical at this point. You either have to be a millionaire to stay on top of this game or completely willing to compromise your financial situation. Someone is obviously doing it, so I can't blame GLU, but I've never seen a mobile game like this.  Is there another that compares?

Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service


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    samthemansamtheman Registered Users, Member 686 Posts
    Well you do get almost 15k gold and 15 mega LXP boxes with him.
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts
    Yeah, that's the silver lining, I guess. But still, the main requirement is another $100 dollars to hit what will likely be two bonus sets today and possibly one this weekend.  Plus there will be new $100 players this weekend.

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts

    I'm sorry, but this is beyond comical at this point. You either have to be a millionaire to stay on top of this game or completely willing to compromise your financial situation.

    Or you can just ignore it. Myself and most people I know wouldn't touch those type of players and we're doing just fine. Someone is obviously buying them so all the power to those involved. 
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    TyroneEastwoodTyroneEastwood Registered Users, Member 424 Posts
    Tbh. I'd rather spend $100 for a player outright than spend chasing a box player with 2/1000 odds
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    yeap with the bullshit odds this year, its actually cheaper to just pay the $100 then spend 100k + chasing them.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts
    Agreed. I WILL ignore it. I'm just pointing out where this is headed. That's all.

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    TyroneEastwoodTyroneEastwood Registered Users, Member 424 Posts
    Agreed. I WILL ignore it. I'm just pointing out where this is headed. That's all.
    I'm sorry you're poor 😂🏃🏃🏃
    Sorry. Had to
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts
    You forgot entitled!

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    JEDDDOGGYJEDDDOGGY Registered Users, Member 2,460 Posts
    Lol its funny but its also very true. Its like anything else. There aren't 30 different models and colors of Porsches at the dealership because they expect you buy all of them, and there aren't 30 different bonus players because Glu thinks you should buy all of them either. 

    You can be Cove with a fleet of Porsches, or maybe you're lucky enough to have just one Porsche. Or else you're f2p and drive a brown 1977 Ford Pinto with boogers under the seat. 

    Its just life. Nobody expects you to buy all these players or pull them all from CvC boxes for free, or have the specific one you want thats 2 in 1000 or whatever bumf*ck odds are on the box hes in that day.

    That said, I really see no harm in increasing the odds. Im deterred from making purchases because I've been conditioned not to spend. Like doc said, a lot of us have stopped touching the stove at this point.
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    Dont worry, its coming. The season is over and now is the time to "respark" the players, the last 8 months of the game have been utter dog shit, but it didn't matter because the money kept flowing in. Now, in the next week few, you see news announcements like "We've heard your feedback, and increased box odds" "Mega mega boxes available in stores now".  They will try and spin it in a way after the VIP Council shit show PR stunt in November like they got the feedback from them and changes are coming. Dont believe it, baseball is over... 2021 is all they care about now and getting the addicts and idiots back in for next season.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts
    dkarski87 said:
    yeap with the bullshit odds this year, its actually cheaper to just pay the $100 then spend 100k + chasing them.
    They’re conditioning us well.

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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