
Royale WoH for 11-4-20: woh closer

DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts

If you're not having fun, you're losing.


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    MattattackMattattack Registered Users 1,971 Posts
    Yea I imagine everyone is dying for a woh closer lol.   guess im running games today

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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

    So an upgrade over Sal Bando. Also, with Monday switching, you need a pure lefty closer, not a righty.

    I bet the skills change. Another OF doesn't excite me either. This is what, the fourth of fifth OF WoH prize in a row?

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    MattattackMattattack Registered Users 1,971 Posts
    Nah the skils wont change, they are awful for almost everything.
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    sullipa8sullipa8 Registered Users, Member 564 Posts
    The worst part is they still have the 15 and 25 cycle rewards, but as of now the rewards are still lower than the 10 and 20 for Monday. 
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    YardGoatsYardGoats Registered Users, Member 382 Posts
    I’m starting to wonder what player they could make they will make people excited on here!! I’m happy to upgrade my RHB woh closer for free!
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts
    YardGoats said:
    I’m starting to wonder what player they could make they will make people excited on here!! I’m happy to upgrade my RHB woh closer for free!

    Oh I will acquire him for sure, but I can't get excited about WoH again until there is an ability to cycle cap a player again. I don't have time to cycle 15 times in a day, but GLU knows the majority of us can't and won't. That's gone away and will never come back as GLU wants everyone buying LXP. Heck, they won't even put blue LXP boxes in the store any more. It is clear as day what they are doing.

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    MattattackMattattack Registered Users 1,971 Posts
    YardGoats said:
    I’m starting to wonder what player they could make they will make people excited on here!! I’m happy to upgrade my RHB woh closer for free!
    depends on your situation and what you mean by "free".   Is upgrading a RHB woh closer worth the time and resources for just a small upgrade, and does a RHB closer even matter much?   Lefties havent been at the end a ton lately.   For diamond guys its not really "free", its weekday pricing, gold for skills, and gold not earned by running games.   
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    baseball2020baseball2020 Registered Users, Member 511 Posts
    edited November 2020
    I wish they would at least change the odds to:

    Dwight Evans 100
    2000 LXP 100
    1000 LXP 800

    That would be a tad more enticing for some I would think.

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    GoExpos1994GoExpos1994 Registered Users, Member 193 Posts
    If you don't have a closer against LHP he's great. He's an improvement over other WOH OF like Buhner, Baker, Kingman, Otis and Bell.  However, I wouldn't upgrade him to replace Bando as WOH closer as the difference is minimal.
    We are all beta testers
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

    Correct:  Again, you HAVE to operate from the premise of this...

    Does this event benefit Diamond players and/or whales?  Then go from there...

    The emphasis on Royale days for BGs as the only top bonus sets is your main clue.

    Everyone else is just playing for scraps. Until you upgrade to diamond and are willing to spend hundreds of dollars a week chasing bonus players for two-day events, GLU doesn't care about what you want in the game.

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    DFBB said:

    I sense a little(or a lot of) sarcasm!
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    LXP went down, difficulty slightly up, 25 cycles. The brain trust is hard at work again I see.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    when is the last time that they I had a legend 2b as a woh reward? Or catcher or 1b?
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts
    dkarski87 said:
    LXP went down, difficulty slightly up, 25 cycles. The brain trust is hard at work again I see.

    They hate us. I'm convinced of it. LOL

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    benny100benny100 Registered Users, Member 757 Posts
    3 righties at the end - down 5 on 5.10.... bases empty lol..... whatever. Waste of time for the lxp at this stage 
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

    Well that explains whey they are offering a Righty Closer. You need a lefty closer now for both Royale and Monday.

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

    Also, you are now down 4 on the last three rounds too, so all of those guys they had as rewards with close game are now completely worthless.

    What a $hitty company. Seriously. These people suck. I'm so glad I quit farming and spending money. Everything they do is to set us up to just keep f u kc ing us.

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    babyjbootsbabyjboots Registered Users, Member 465 Posts
    I'm glad with the WoH prize as it gives me a day off.  WoH has been getting boring with Monday, Wednesday and weekend events.
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

    For those interested: 5.1-5.7 are all lefties, 5.8-5.10 are righties.

    I cleared first attempt with Omar at 5.10.

    I'm done for the day. Don't feel like doing this. First Royale in a long time I sit out.

    I really can't thank GLU enough for making the game completely unenjoyable (made up word) to the point I am not even playing Royale! Woohoo!!!

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    Not a made up word-it’s in the dictionary 
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    ToughthundercatsToughthundercats Registered Users, Member 1,959 Posts
    Would love to go for Mr. White but I don't have time and plus I have Mr Bando. No pressing need for me to waste my valuable work time today especially for a marginally better player.
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    fatDaddyfatDaddy Registered Users, Member 318 Posts
    2003cobra said:
    when is the last time that they I had a legend 2b as a woh reward? Or catcher or 1b?
    ooh, I love trivia contests. Joe Morgan 480?
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    trojanman999trojanman999 Registered Users, Member 371 Posts
    edited November 2020

    For those interested: 5.1-5.7 are all lefties, 5.8-5.10 are righties.

    I cleared first attempt with Omar at 5.10.

    I'm done for the day. Don't feel like doing this. First Royale in a long time I sit out.

    I really can't thank GLU enough for making the game completely unenjoyable (made up word) to the point I am not even playing Royale! Woohoo!!!

    Yup me too, they have really killed WOH, which has killed royales... they are making this game more and more tedious and less enjoyable by the minute. Remember when you could pull a top player with $20 at most (or 10-20k in gold) and WOH was tough and you could play all day but if you managed to beat it there was a solid top tier prize? Those were the days.. now its just a mess where you either give Glu $1,000/week so you can see who can press autosim the fastest or you just go through the basics collecting the freebies/gifts/daily challenges and compete in CVC.
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    RippersRippers Registered Users, Member 332 Posts
    Gotta agree. I only play this for WOH and team building. I completed the third cycle and brought Evans up to S10. Even though he has  closer skills I dont need another 510 RH OF. So do I want to invest another 6 hours methodically cycling 12 more times for 35K LXP ? I think not ! Just CVC the rest of the day. 
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    JCAM80JCAM80 Registered Users, Member 606 Posts
    My excitement for this game is all based around WOH, so of course it's now very minimal. Did my 3 cycles & threw a B1 Evans in to tap bonus games til I hit Tier6. Fun....
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    BearmeatBearmeat Registered Users, Member 576 Posts
    I’ve been at this game since early 18 and Royale was NEVER about WOH. 
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    More2Most2FirstMore2Most2First Registered Users, Member 777 Posts
    Best part of my day...first cycle reward box:

    Now I don’t have to do 2 more cycles.  Sadly, that’s the most excited I’ve been about something in this game, since I pulled Scioscia...a month ago? 🤷‍♂️
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    JCAM80JCAM80 Registered Users, Member 606 Posts
    edited November 2020
    Bearmeat said:
    I’ve been at this game since early 18 and Royale was NEVER about WOH. 
    By that reasoning...the '20 model is also not about Prime games, Slugfest, or Tournaments. So what should be a 5 event variety is relegated to 1 if you care about club placement. As a solo majors club, I don't, so I hope for better WOH rewards & a chance to accumulate resources. Without that, my interest is minimal 
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    DirectFXDirectFX Registered Users 110 Posts

    Correct:  Again, you HAVE to operate from the premise of this...

    Does this event benefit Diamond players and/or whales?  Then go from there...

    The emphasis on Royale days for BGs as the only top bonus sets is your main clue.

    Everyone else is just playing for scraps. Until you upgrade to diamond and are willing to spend hundreds of dollars a week chasing bonus players for two-day events, GLU doesn't care about what you want in the game.

     That is the biggest problem I find this year is the game is so skewed towards the Bonus Games for the Diamond Spenders . The Royale used to be decent when the multipliers weren’t so rigged towards BGs. Used to be only 1-2 levels difference between the #1 multiplier and #2 one on Royale days and it used to actually rotate to prime games not like this year 100% time top multiplier is Bonus Games and multiplier just jumped to way overpowered when got BG @10-11 then #2 now 5-6 levels different so makes it worthless to do prime games, tournaments, Slugfest and WoH (unless want reward) as points just ridiculous for BG as they also have only extra bonus sets for you guessed it BGs. Should just called it BG day . So who plays BG the most ? Now playing that for Royale during week and even bigger with 3 day weekends to get the most points in the events by playing BGs only . No reason to keep bonus players you pull for prime, tournament or WoH (unless BG too) just turn em in right away as the event has just blatantly been turned into Diamond event just another win for glu in 2020 
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    tshea510tshea510 Registered Users, Member 1,788 Posts

    Also, you are now down 4 on the last three rounds too, so all of those guys they had as rewards with close game are now completely worthless.

    What a $hitty company. Seriously. These people suck. I'm so glad I quit farming and spending money. Everything they do is to set us up to just keep f u kc ing us.

    Not completely worthless for me. I was closing with Gonzo before down 6 and cycled just fine. It obviously became better when score became 6-3. But that was before. I haven’t tried anything today yet, just gor home, so we’ll see. But I understand your frustration 
    Just a Silver team from the wrong side of the tracks, so what do I know? 🤷
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