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  • I'll give swat 2 a try. Did not care for the zombie one. Thanks
  • I do not mind spending money on games. This game was great. Now it's just ok because there is no point. Nothing to strive for but bigger guns. Your diamonds get taken from both places so no point there.
  • Starts tonight at 2am US Central time
  • GLU stated that they were not cheaters because their AP rolled over. There are plenty of these endless energy accts that bought thousands of full energy refills. GLU has no idea what accounts capitalized on this glitch. To make it fair the top 5 winners should not be allowed to partake in tournaments with equal guns. This…
  • No. Those guns have limited power. Will only get you so far before you need bigger guns. I wouldn't buy them myself. It is your choice.
  • Yes. Once you buy the weapon. It is yours to use and upgrade. I did it with the last tesla for diamonds.
  • User name THENAZGUL
  • This error seems to be related to the upload aspect of the app. My get around has been to shut off my wifi and use my data to log on. Then I turn wifi back on. Not sure if this is the true reason for error but worked for me.
  • Bouche, I have beaten the max defense with the heavy gun offered in the diamonds, a prize for me weeks ago. I had to be smart and patient, but I won the second time around. Got my butt handed to me the first attempt but it is a great challenge! I'm with you, great update. Just wish they could have finally conquered the…
  • Lol. Nice Bouche. I agree, would be great to creat alliances or at least chat. But the non personal approach to this game does make for quick shoots on the game. I really thought the 10 min instead of 20 min recharge of energy was better. It was more stress during the tournament and really created the urge for me to buy…
  • I just try and keep my diamonds full. That way if the next update requires me to spend them. I have them. There is no use for the money they provide,as I have nothing to spend it on. It's all about the diamonds for me
  • Sounds like you play or did play Global War or iMobs Bouche
  • I also recieved the server maintainance, logged off and back on. It was gone. As for the crashes, you were lucky bouche. The game froze up at least 10 times on Saturday alone for me. I went from 199 up to 543 because I could not get my kill streak going at all Saturday. Hoping the update fixes this,as I enjoy the…
  • They keep winning because they never recieved their weapons. So their AP rolls over to the next event. So tomorrow will be no different as the top finishers did not recieve their prize again.
  • I wouldn't take what bouchedag says personal. He apparently has a bunch of extra money, which is great for him. But for those that consider $50-$70 a lot of money to drop on a game, we are upset. A game with this many issues should not have went live in the first place. But it did. I have had glimpses of the game working…
  • I say we start a boycott rally. In your comment put "boycott spending $$, 1-15 to 18". Put that in every battle you win. It might catch on.
  • They did not receive their awards from last several PVP events, so their AP rolls over to the next event. It's been happening for over a month. ****py way to resolve the issues
  • Me too. But if the players that don't recieve their winnings are either jailbroke or rooted, this may never be resolved, as the developers might not be able to compensate their script to accommodate this. IF that is the case it is sad.
  • Wish I had that bug. Good for you
  • Well GLU admin. They still have not cleared my last ticket from my in game customer care contact from my last ticket. So now I can no longer use that feature. As one ticket is still open you or I can not send another. Perhaps you should inform GLU of our frustration instead of sending scripted responses.
  • A good and fair solution would be to just give the winners their prize. For some reason GLU insists they can't. I really don't believe them. So I sit out another run for the gold, accepting whatever place I come in for now. It is still fun but no real challenge as I've gone as far as I can and rarely loose now, except when…
  • Consider yourself lucky if it asks for game dollars, as it is really gold it should ask for. This is a bug in your favor so enjoy it while it lasts.
  • That's a bug. Not supposed to happen
  • I have no reason to play any longer, except for the PVP tournaments as I have no need for diamonds. So if it is another "head start" PVP event I'll just play to collect something. I can always use rockets and knives
  • Contacting customer care is about as useful as asking you, forum admin, to help. You have a punishing task reading these frustration posts and not being able to do anything but recommend a useless action. It is a shame because this could be one of the best games out there if your employer, GLU CEO's, even cared. I still…
  • That's what I said. Game wide boycott on spending $$$$. Then they would listen
  • Yes. And that is one of the 3 reasons I did not. I'm holding on to my money for a gun I want. But the bugs also need to be fixed. The attack screen froze up on me over 40 times last week. They are a little better this week. But I'm a patient person. I'm just saying that if 80% of the players stopped spending their money on…
  • Unfortunately your post is gone GLU must not want the truth to be seen. I'm sorry you got screwed. I know how much time is put into this game to rank so well.
  • $50-60. iTunes gift cards.
  • So it seems that a coordinated boycott of GLU games, at least no spending of money for a PVP tournament might light a fire under their keyboards to fix the issues. After all, all the bugs left seem to favor them (GLU) and they are still making money. It really is a shame because it is a great game, if it worked. Sorry for…

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