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  • @likenight don't play then?
  • This is geeky. But I like it. I have been keeping notes on how players do in various modes. I made a list to assign them into groups of 5 tiers. So my tier 1 has blowout, hot hitter, rhp, first pitch in. With bottom tier 5 , 2 outs for example. This is based on what I think use they are in CVC mainly, Woh and then their…
    in Skills Comment by spoc84 July 2020
  • @mythicaldragon Diamond is where the game is designed to be played. All modes are great at diamond. Nothing feels like a chore. If you choose to stay lower and try and have it easier, it's actually probably more frustrating. Glu is many thinks, but I will never agree they push you to diamond. If you choose to stay under…
  • @iratepirate I would have a whole team made up of rhp, runners on, blowout and hot hitter for cycling diamond. First pitch is beast mode in bg. It still lights up only once for first pitch , but those guys averages are huge. I don't really look for anything else tbh. Those 5 skills are elite. Lead off is in that category,…
  • Hot hitter. Blowout. Runners on base . Right handed pitcher and yes early innings. But you don't get many of them. But any combo of the top 4 is great for CVC .
  • For sure. I was getting smoked by gold teams with no sub in my own club before. My team for CVC was pretty damn good. His was the same, but it was easier for him to cap primes. So his gold 10 primes hit better than my diamond 6-8 primes in the week if I couldn't quite cap them lol Which is kinda crazy , the only gold team…
  • Edge has definitely worked better since they changed it IMO. Can certainly notice huge improvements.
  • Do you have all your players capped? Skills at 12? If you do you shouldn't have any problems. I've been scoring more since they changed it. But you must have guys capped with decent skills for CVC and at least 10/10 maybe more. But I for sure score more now. 
  • Yeah don't wanna be a dick, but, I agree with it. I lost track of times I got smoked by a gold team. Which is just dumb. When I have the same team as them pretty much. Like they have nerfed gold teams and I cannot hate on that. 
  • Yeah man thanks. I think a lot of guys I speak to are ex addicts of some sort on this game. Especially the heavy hitters. I can say for sure I spend less on this game that I did drugs and it doesn't affect my life in the same negative way. So I see it as money well spent keeping me outta trouble lol 
  • For sure. But this doesn't ruin my life like the real and hard stuff almost did lol 
  • Like I say. He's back playing, changed his name and like cove and the rest the devs gave him his pxp back to shut him up. Absolutely nothing to do with organising a boycott. Just an addict trying to get his stuff back to he can go do more junkie things. Like a desperate man who lost his pxp so he couldn't get his hit of…
  • Go fish him out. He's colpiahculture in chew big red. Changed his name. Tell him you have some questions for him on the forums to explain his actions lol 
  • I would love that. Make it happen dude. 
  • Why can't I call kdogs a piece of ....? I would say it to his face in real life so why can't I say it here? He's a cry baby. 
  • F**k boycott, take a pic of some more beautiful alloy so I can like you some more.
  • Yes kdogs got all whiney because his gluminati team mates don't like him and were glitching without telling him. Then he finally got on the bandwagon and got caught. Then embarrassed himself whining about it on various formats because he got all his pxp taken away and they gave it back to cove and the others. Then…
  • I agree Dkarski is awesome, I hope I am like him when I become a top tapper. Boycott isn't happening and was never a thing, just to let you know.
  • Cole is lights out . Mostly tournies. How can you say Cole is not really that good? I can't take anything else you say seriously after reading that bit lol
  • That's true but some will be a bit overpowered? I have Wagner. Although he sucks for all modes if they make it too high his hitting will be above primes? I think they made the players too good at the end of last season that bumping keepers top much will overpower them. Hoyt as well. i mean honestly he's only 342 and his…
  • Lol like my wife until the enhancement.
    in Jedddoggy Comment by spoc84 July 2020
  • this guy is a good example. Absolute beast even for bxp guy and I'm pretty sure he was a big CVC bonus . To go along with the primes the weekend before last. Davis last weekend also. Only bxp but skills that make him better than some 380 primes. I know it's not free, but I think he was only 9.99, easy to level and a beast.
  • @navyjack77 they will keep putting in a x1000 bxp guy I expect. Plus it fan rewards guy is bxp. But I appreciate that requires spending a lot of money or gold. But still, they are easy to level then throw away for medium spenders even at diamond. I do think it's right though, it should mostly be the elite players and the…
  • Don't agree. Lazy programming from Glu. Not jail, that's too severe. You can't come back from jail. Maybe just strip the resources is fair and make them start their pxp from scratch. It's dumb to jail someone when you know they'll play and spend again if you let them. But half my club been complaining of getting caught.…
    in Jedddoggy Comment by spoc84 July 2020
  • Lol you wouldn't be welcome in my club. Which I don't run by the way. And I have no need. But I have interacted with people on pm here so some people no doubt can work out who I am. It's more fun at this point. To not tell you, as you seem to be obsessed with me . Like dude, if you want my number and a date just ask? Not…
  • @dkarski87ite 100% glitch. You think players just happened to fall into inactives and you happen to be the exact amount of players over the roster limit? The guys who have been glitching will 100% know what I mean. It's nothing to do with the reverse repull. It's a very specific operation of how to manipulate the games…
  • @navyjack77 yeah every morning I donate like 2.1 million loyalty I think it is at all the levels. Tuesday our club does a bronze club, doesn't play the event and levels up deep into diamond that day. It's quicker and easier for us than Evo hunting so we can play tournaments all day instead of Evo hunting. We are at the…
  • @navyjack77 I know kdogs. That is why I said the boycott will never work. He got caught along with most of the other top players. Some of them are re glitching pxp right now. Spending it as fast as they get it lol it's been going on 2+ weeks now but only now has it been exposed. I saw he claimed he did it by mistake, not…
  • Maybe make 1 bxp guy a bonus, the potw most serious diamond players get a bonus but then the rest should be primes or the players you buy. Mainly because bxp players are just generic guys now , this is the prime era and secondly the top bonuses I feel should be in the store. So if you spend on this game you can get an…
  • Lol no I'm not kdogs. He's an asshole. Cry baby who got caught cheating who ass got booted and then joined chew. I used to think he was grinding, but just cheating. Lol why does it matter who I am? There are a few people who know who I am on the forum. Maybe not I'll just keep it a mystery lol I'm not here to make friends…

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