
'22 is LIVE!



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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    As a long time tapper-2014 when the game first came out I would like to say that this version has definitely caused me to retire. The daily gifts are trash and the insane gifts for the preregistration was not very insane. I can tell that resource squeeze is an uphill battle and is something that I will be fighting all year. After 1 event I was forced to go silver with enough evo to level up my keepers and a few skills. I didn’t mind the squeeze when I could level up at my pace but this seems a little absurd. Had Glu started us out with a ton of cash and evo I would probably be playing. I can picture my team being diamond in the first month and having to use all silver players. I’m sure that I play the game wrong but I’m also sure that I’m not the only one that feels this way. The forum members have been a great tool throughout the years and have provided a ton of comedy and I thank you guys for that. Happy tapping and no I won’t be joining Doc-that game sucks too!
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    CanadaCubsCanadaCubs Registered Users, Member 1,235 Posts
    @2003cobra, I’m sure you’re not in the minority on this. You know this game well enough, and know how to play it at your desired level/pace. It’s going to be a common theme very shortly when the majority of casual players are in diamond with silver teams. Yes, Champions Tier is nice, but these casual players will just get bored/intimidated/etc with it and quit. Releasing hundreds of bonus players over a weeks’ span is going to fly over a large population of the players who have no idea how to manage resources. Generally it takes money. 
    "If you can't beat them, report them"
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    tshea510tshea510 Registered Users, Member 1,788 Posts
    I’m going to finally d/l tonight. As @jmsorioles33 suggested, I’ll give it a fair shot. But it certainly appears that this company has finally hammered the last nail in the coffin. 
    Just a Silver team from the wrong side of the tracks, so what do I know? 🤷
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    mythicaldragonmythicaldragon Registered Users, Member 2,418 Posts
    edited March 2022
    I’m giving it a shot as well but may end up joining you @2003cobra. Ive barely played and i am halfway through silver already sitting there wondering do I keep playing? Will there be enough resources within the game when I get to plat/diamond? Can’t I get those resources from champ tier? With the amount of players released weekly why would I level them and who to level? Obviously I know there’s no way to chase every bonus player and level them. Just not sure how to approach this new game or when to jump past gold. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
    Good luck @2003cobra 🍻
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    tshea510tshea510 Registered Users, Member 1,788 Posts
    edited March 2022
    I keep going back to ‘18, especially during the holidays when one could open their wallets and buy everyone that was presented. I spent wayyyy too much but I got who I wanted, as did everyone else. They HAD to have made a nice profit, hell half the current VIP’s probably became VIP that holiday season.Yet, this company got even more greedy and each year, they try to bleed you for even more. There is obviously no client retention in their new business model. Shame, for this used to be a pretty good game. Until the idiots in charge kept trying to fix what wasn’t broken. As has been predicted by many of the true veterans of this game, many of us will be lost, but will be thankful for not throwing away money to this clueless company.
    Just a Silver team from the wrong side of the tracks, so what do I know? 🤷
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    YardGoatsYardGoats Registered Users, Member 382 Posts
    I’m also giving it a shot and seeing how it goes. I’m going to hit gold this weekend and maybe platinum by next. I’m only putting resources into my keepers right now. The way I see it we are all going to be in the same boat so can slow play doing pennants and upgrades. So bonus/tournaments matchups games hopefully won’t be too difficult. Or at least I’m hoping that is the case. I think my only regret is not doing 2 SP and 2 hitters. But whatever, maybe next year they will give us 5 keepers (2 hitters, 2 pitchers, and 1 wildcard)
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    sullipa8sullipa8 Registered Users, Member 564 Posts
    2003cobra said:
    I can tell that resource squeeze is an uphill battle and is something that I will be fighting all year. After 1 event I was forced to go silver with enough evo to level up my keepers and a few skills. I didn’t mind the squeeze when I could level up at my pace but this seems a little absurd. Had Glu started us out with a ton of cash and evo I would probably be playing. I can picture my team being diamond in the first month and having to use all silver players. I’m sure that I play the game wrong but I’m also sure that I’m not the only one that feels this way.
    This is the part that bothers me about this version. The level up is way too fast. They should have increased the number of games for each level so that we could gather resources before leveling up. If you only play to collect the daily challenges for Bonus and Tournament games each day (One day also included Prime games), you already have reached Silver. Because that’s what happened to me playing only what I needed to play to get the daily bonus. That’s just not sustainable to be bumped that quickly unless you are in a dominant club that gets tons of rewards. 

    I’m still trying to play it slow and build my resources so I can upgrade players, but before I can get a full Silver team, I’ll get bumped to Gold, and so on. I figured these changes would make the gap between the top players and the rest of us much larger. So far, that appears to be the case and I haven’t even seen the Champions tier yet.
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    mythicaldragonmythicaldragon Registered Users, Member 2,418 Posts
    tshea510 said:
    I keep going back to ‘18, especially during the holidays when one could open their wallets and buy everyone that was presented. I spent wayyyy too much but I got who I wanted, as did everyone else. They HAD to have made a nice profit, hell half the current VIP’s probably became VIP that holiday season.Yet, this company got even more greedy and each year, they try to bleed you for even more. There is obviously no client retention in their new business model. Shame, for this used to be a pretty good game. Until the idiots in charge kept trying to fi what wasn’t broken. As has been predicted by many of the true veterans of this game, many of us will be lost, but will be thankful for not throwing away money to this clueless company.
    Yes those were good times we spent that holiday season because they created a reason to spend. We all wanted a woh killer! Harper, Ted, yelich etc. They have created no “reason” to spend by killing woh years ago. It’s just endless bonus players and sets wash rinse repeat disposable etc. 👎🏻👎🏻 With no real reason to chase anything or build a team.  You know the story blah blah broken record 😑. They had something special back then they just didn’t realize it. 
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    CanadaCubsCanadaCubs Registered Users, Member 1,235 Posts
    I’ve downloaded madden and UFC from EA to try to understand their motive and model. It’s basically an amazing game until it’s not. You get to a certain point where money is the requirement to further your game. It’s literally a roadblock where you go from playing at will, to you can’t really play anymore without these transactions. Sure you can be patient and ride out on free gifts and what not. But that’s not what the loyal players want. I pretty much deleted Madden and UFC after about 3 weeks. I’m expecting the same for this as well. Let the autotappers play and fight over the proverbial bone. 🌽
    "If you can't beat them, report them"
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    CanadaCubsCanadaCubs Registered Users, Member 1,235 Posts
    I’ll also add that those TSB 22 cinematic ads that I keep getting on FB are the most pathetic attempt at drawing in new blood. It’s 2022. Those gameplay graphics are extremely outdated (let alone, misleading). Man, I’ve never seen a company **** over the wrong people. Kudos 😀
    "If you can't beat them, report them"
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    CanadaCubsCanadaCubs Registered Users, Member 1,235 Posts
    Also, it’s 2022… you can say fûck. Not like minors play this game
    "If you can't beat them, report them"
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    Piglet1899Piglet1899 Registered Users, Member 220 Posts
    Three days in and I’m the only player in our club who has over 1bn points. I’m sure my wife is delighted with this new version as I play for just 20 minutes and decide that I don’t want another promotion as I will run out of resources. Lots of players in the club don’t think they’ll be playing much longer. I’m unable to speak for the 3 who haven’t been able to join the new version yet. 

    No sign of double gold. It must be 5 or 6 weeks now. If I run out of gold, which looks highly likely, before primes come out, I’m done. Are glu/EA so stupid that they think we’ll spend like mad in the shop to increase the chance of landing that elusive 3* player?
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    xracmanxracman Registered Users, Member 666 Posts
    Skills leveling only uses Evo?  Or does it change to something else after a certian level?

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    jory1jory1 Registered Users, Member 100 Posts
    Three days in and I’m the only player in our club who has over 1bn points. I’m sure my wife is delighted with this new version as I play for just 20 minutes and decide that I don’t want another promotion as I will run out of resources. Lots of players in the club don’t think they’ll be playing much longer. I’m unable to speak for the 3 who haven’t been able to join the new version yet. 

    No sign of double gold. It must be 5 or 6 weeks now. If I run out of gold, which looks highly likely, before primes come out, I’m done. Are glu/EA so stupid that they think we’ll spend like mad in the shop to increase the chance of landing that elusive 3* player?
    There is no reason to spend. Even if you really enjoy '22, what are you going to buy? This is the mistake EA is making. Back in '18 I blew $300 on Christmas Juan Marichal, Ted Williams, and Johnny Bench. What is there to buy in '22? All my friends that play '22 have ran out of blue cash, EVO, etc... I have never paid for blue cash in TSB and this is the biggest roadblock for the people I talk to. I was also told the odds for 295 MAX bonus players are like 2%. In years past, it was never that hard starting out. But then again, I don't play '22, so what do I know...
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    xracman said:
    Skills leveling only uses Evo?  Or does it change to something else after a certian level?

    Just evo
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    tshea510tshea510 Registered Users, Member 1,788 Posts
    xracman said:
    Skills leveling only uses Evo?  Or does it change to something else after a certian level?

    Just evo
    I d/l the app and didn’t get my pre-registration “insane” gifts, CS has passed ii along to “the team for review”, Even though screenshots and game logs prove the point. Not playing a game or spending one dime until this is resolved. But now finding out Evo only for skills in addition to leveling players? Yeah, this just might be my ticket out of here, but that bus is getting awfully crowded.
    Just a Silver team from the wrong side of the tracks, so what do I know? 🤷
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    tshea510 said:
    xracman said:
    Skills leveling only uses Evo?  Or does it change to something else after a certian level?

    Just evo
    I d/l the app and didn’t get my pre-registration “insane” gifts, CS has passed ii along to “the team for review”, Even though screenshots and game logs prove the point. Not playing a game or spending one dime until this is resolved. But now finding out Evo only for skills in addition to leveling players? Yeah, this just might be my ticket out of here, but that bus is getting awfully crowded.
    You can get a decent amount of evo if you do club levels a few times a week. You also get some evo throughout the champions tiers, and I’ve caught a few guys in evo hr battles. IMO evo-only skills isn’t too bad. It saves you XP for players (since you auto-level, you need xp and can’t really farm for a while before moving up [you can if you stop playing bonus games, tournaments, and prime games and just kill woh until you’re ready to tier up]), and the best way to get evo involves interacting with other users in the game. 

    Note: I am biased as I’ve always loved evo hunting and club leveling 🤷🏻‍♂️
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    Oh, I forgot to mention. If you’re short on evo and don’t like to evo hunt, then it just makes leveling guys with skills you like that much more important. Right now where no skilled players have a place in the game - not leveling skills could be a good idea besides keepers and my legend (maybe one or two woh guys if you want).
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    CanadaCubsCanadaCubs Registered Users, Member 1,235 Posts
    Oh, I forgot to mention. If you’re short on evo and don’t like to evo hunt, then it just makes leveling guys with skills you like that much more important. Right now where no skilled players have a place in the game - not leveling skills could be a good idea besides keepers and my legend (maybe one or two woh guys if you want).
    That approach is only applicable if you’re in that group of players smashing BGs all day. The casual player can’t evo hunt if they have nothing to contribute. And as we all know, Gloves are what is required. There’s a myriad of other points I can state, but that’s the most significant. 
    "If you can't beat them, report them"
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    Oh, I forgot to mention. If you’re short on evo and don’t like to evo hunt, then it just makes leveling guys with skills you like that much more important. Right now where no skilled players have a place in the game - not leveling skills could be a good idea besides keepers and my legend (maybe one or two woh guys if you want).
    That approach is only applicable if you’re in that group of players smashing BGs all day. The casual player can’t evo hunt if they have nothing to contribute. And as we all know, Gloves are what is required. There’s a myriad of other points I can state, but that’s the most significant. 
    Correct, but the less one plays the less skills they’ll need to upgrade 😂
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    CanadaCubsCanadaCubs Registered Users, Member 1,235 Posts
    Sounds like the great chicken or the egg first debate. Let’s just agree to disagree (even though I’m right)
    "If you can't beat them, report them"
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    xracmanxracman Registered Users, Member 666 Posts
    BTW, "Willy's Wardrobe" has to be the most absurd box name ever used in this game.  Just call them Gear Boxes FFS. 
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    tshea510tshea510 Registered Users, Member 1,788 Posts
    tshea510 said:
    xracman said:
    Skills leveling only uses Evo?  Or does it change to something else after a certian level?

    Just evo
    I d/l the app and didn’t get my pre-registration “insane” gifts, CS has passed ii along to “the team for review”, Even though screenshots and game logs prove the point. Not playing a game or spending one dime until this is resolved. But now finding out Evo only for skills in addition to leveling players? Yeah, this just might be my ticket out of here, but that bus is getting awfully crowded.
    You can get a decent amount of evo if you do club levels a few times a week. You also get some evo throughout the champions tiers, and I’ve caught a few guys in evo hr battles. IMO evo-only skills isn’t too bad. It saves you XP for players (since you auto-level, you need xp and can’t really farm for a while before moving up [you can if you stop playing bonus games, tournaments, and prime games and just kill woh until you’re ready to tier up]), and the best way to get evo involves interacting with other users in the game. 

    Note: I am biased as I’ve always loved evo hunting and club leveling 🤷🏻‍♂️
    Appreciate it. But there’s a big problem. You said “the best way to get evo involves interacting with other users in the game.” I think I still have my 1st grade report card that had the comment “does not play well with others”. Some things never change 😂
    Just a Silver team from the wrong side of the tracks, so what do I know? 🤷
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    blueurmyboyblueurmyboy Registered Users, Member 36 Posts
    edited March 2022
    Sounds like what is happening in Madden Mobile.
    ea can't help but throw up all over themselves. 
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    MattStylesDJMattStylesDJ Registered Users, Member 2 Posts
    I haven't gotten any gold from the free gold videos since '22 came out. I only get this screen, everytime. I've restarted my phone and even uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Any help?
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    I haven't gotten any gold from the free gold videos since '22 came out. I only get this screen, everytime. I've restarted my phone and even uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Any help?
    Usually when I get that message, I just hit continue and it usually 'catches up' within a video or two. For example, it'll give me double the gold on the next video I watch. 
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    MattStylesDJMattStylesDJ Registered Users, Member 2 Posts
    Mine definitely isn't doing that. This feature worked fine for me on '21. It's frustrating, but starting to seem like it's a me problem. Thanks.
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    SlashlineSlashline Registered Users, Member 80 Posts
    Can't tell if they just used a bigger memory footprint or what, but the frame rate is so bad, pitches aren't visible to me until they are halfway to the plate. Batting against 95mph is what 102-104 was in 2021. Impossible.
    And the ads seem worse, opening my browser and Google Play without permission. Don't think I'm going to make it until I get a phone upgrade!
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