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  • I have a different take on this. Unless you are always maxing out every car, superchargers are perfectly fine. For example, let's say you build up a car with mostly stage 2 parts, a few stage 1 and a few Pro parts here and there. Maybe that puts your car in the top of a 1649 room. Sure, your car could be faster with a…
  • I prefer a supercharger/NOS combo myself. might not be the fastest possible, but it will dominate a 1648 room
  • One thing though, is that a Stage 2 part might have a bad P:W ratio, and the Pro upgrade might have a good P:W ratio, but you obviously need to get the S2 part before you can get the pro part.
  • I never really tune my cars to run the fastest possible ET. I mainly tune them to run as fast as possible, efficiently, at the top of whatever turf room I'm in. So I'm generally a room or two below the highest possible rating a car can get in. I do the same with NOS, sometimes don't install it at all.
  • As of this afternoon, pretty much every room, every car, every race is about a 70% chance of losing to a DNFer. I can tell when the lights take forever to drop.
  • FWIW, this is kind of how I ended up with a white stripeless RX-7 R-SPEC. I couldn't decide which car I wanted, and my phone went to sleep while the selection screen was still up. Came back to my garage and had the white RX-7 with no stripe. Tried it deliberately a second time with a different account, and ended up with a…
  • I have been winning races and getting a DNF loss all along. Even when it was stated that the glitch was fixed, I was still getting them about 35% of the time. Still am.
  • I've still been getting the DNF problem with identical symptoms as before, less than 30 minutes ago. Takes a really long time for lights to drop, we race, I win, takes a really long time to send results to server, other person gets win, I get DNF. This is right after a fresh restart of the app and a good connection.
  • [QUOTE=[RR] Foxx;n69292]our system will find them and reward them[/QUOTE] Does this include lost cash bets, or just pinks? I lost a fair amount of money to DNFers.
  • I'll add IGNs JOFFEMIKHAIL Ickey Bobby RICKFERRET Alabama97 BOOSTED 301 xthatrenokid KINGDRIVER00 Deenzmab as exploiters of DNF. edit: I'll just keep editing this post, but really, it's about every other person I race.
  • The hack is absolutely still around. I'm losing half my races in open rooms to DNF. It's pissing me off because I end up wasting all the damage my cars can take with these punks.
  • You mentioned above that you fixed this bug, but I'm still losing to DNF. Tuesday morning 8:30AM pst. The lights take a really long time to drop, I beat the guy by quite a ways, it then takes a long time to send results to server, then he wins and I DNF. Just lost this way to Tigerbaits.
  • As of this afternoon, pretty much every room, every car, every race is about a 70% chance of losing to a DNFer. I can tell when the lights take forever to drop.

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