
Forming a team

MrAllStar23MrAllStar23 Registered Users 7 Posts
Hey everyone,

I was just seeing if there was any interest in forming a new team. I am currently around 35 rank. I would like the team to be a communication oriented team as in we would use a iOS app called Line to communicate it is free and very simple just like im'ing. I know it is not really needed for this game right now because it is just single player campaign mission for events but I do see that changing in the near future. I play glu other game Knights of Puzzelot. currently top30 there and the guild is number 3. Communication just became relevant with the latest event over there. So if you interested you can hit me up here on the fourms or add me on Line name is MrAllStar


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    MrAllStar23MrAllStar23 Registered Users 7 Posts

    And I would be willing to join a top team if any out there need someone I'm in the 10th guild right now. So anything higher. I am willing to spend skulls and whatever is needed please let me know.

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    amitguptaamitgupta Registered Users 20 Posts
    i am interested. Though I do not buy stuff in Glu games but i am an active player. Got 301 rank in the last event.
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    ZinxhetanZinxhetan Registered Users 4 Posts
    I've started one called Nephalim. I'm not waaaaay high up on the ranks, but I'm climbing up :3 I use the message me app, same sn
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