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  • This is exactly correct! As for the next round of stat increases, we'll be applying those increases once the Division round is over for all the teams.
  • An update for everyone: it looks like the issue has been fixed, and your teams will all be returned to normal working order in the next hour. An important point here - you DON'T need to send me a message to get your team fixed, all affected accounts will be restored. -redtrunk
  • Thank you all for the reports, the team has enough information now to investigate the problem! Once it is resolved any accounts wrongly marked as cheaters will be returned to normal.
  • If your account has been behaving oddly after playing a HR Battle, please message me with your team name and what kind of Derby you were playing in. I'll forward this info to the team and make sure it gets looked into.
  • Stats for signature players should be updated in the next few days!
  • Yep, I'm still your first point of contact around these parts! I know I've been quiet the last week or so, but I should be around more now.
  • This is correct - "making the playoffs" refers to the 10 teams that will play postseason games. We will be updating stats following the end of each playoff round.
  • The team is investigating this issue. If you are experiencing these problems, please send me a message with your team name and a SPECIFIC description of the issue you are experiencing (what modes it occurs in, who you are playing against, etc). Thanks!
  • You can go to the Mystery Boxes tab to get your free draft picks!
  • Send me a PM, I should be able to help you out
  • This is pretty spot on. I am VERY sorry that our customer service has been insufficient, especially in the last few weeks. I have been doing everything in my power to make sure everyone is satisfied, but that is an incredibly difficult task for just one person. All I ask of you is your patience, and in return I will do…
  • PM me or send a message to customer support, you'll be able to get help one of those ways.
    in Help Comment by redtrunk August 2016
  • I'll put this conversation to rest by saying that we currently have no plans to change anyone's stats in game. This is for a number of reasons that I won't bore you with, but basically changing the numbers for players during the season has a much larger impact on stuff under the hood than you might expect.
  • Definitely send me a PM about this so I can look into it!
  • As long as you reported the club you were in over the weekend everything should be just fine. I am currently working to get out everyone's reward, but it's not a quick process. My estimate from yesterday is still probably correct though - you should see rewards in the next 24 hours or so.
  • Sorry I have been quiet today, I am manually working to give each and every one of you the rewards you were supposed to receive. Many users who were affected reported issues with customer service, and those users will also get their rewards.
  • I am joking. It has been a rough few days so I thought I'd try to lighten things up and play along with Tampa's sarcasm (which I thought was quite funny)
  • Thank you for your report! No one else has mentioned this yet, so I'm sure this issue is very isolated and did probably just affect your club.
  • FWIW, the popup many of you saw was in reference to the event that had been canceled last week, not the weekend event.
  • What about it?
  • This happens on the forums even when events are going on as normal, TBH. Maybe this can be an example of how NOT to behave on the forums. Consider this also a final warning.
  • The team is doing some final testing as we speak, and assuming all goes well, the weekend event will start tomorrow and will work as a normal (albeit shorter) weekend Prime event.
  • I am really sick of having to say this: do not witch-hunt on these forums. If you have a concern about a user or club, send me a PRIVATE message. Do not post it on the forums. I may just delete this thread because honestly, there is nothing good happening here.
  • I'll also add that if you ever have specific concerns or proof of cheating, I would definitely like to see that. Feel free to PM me about that sort of thing.
  • There should be no way to use proxy servers or scripts to circumvent our servers. Everything runs through our servers, there's no avoiding that. Today's problems should be affecting everyone equally. We are very sorry that there are problems in the first place, and please believe me when I say the team is working…
  • Don't worry, I absolutely get it. We're doing a bunch to try and improve the customer service process, and hopefully this will result it shorter waits and more helpful interactions with the customer care team.
  • So I should clarify my previous statement - I'm obviously not going away entirely. You can totally still message me about stuff, but I am more likely to direct you to customer care now than I would have been a few weeks ago. So I am not abandoning you guys in the slightest!
  • More trades will be available this afternoon!
  • It is priority number one! That and the draft pick issue are being thoroughly investigated. To file a ticket you can go to the Settings menu in-game. From there, there's a button that says "Customer Care - Help!" where you'll be able to get assistance.
  • Hey everyone, We are aware of login issues that are currently occurring. The team is hard at work to resolve these problems! Sit tight - we hope to have everything up and running again very shortly.

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