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  • When it's attached to both, the game is saved with both; but they're separate. So if you only log into one, the save can be retrieved without logging into other. So you can have two separate saves, one with Google and one with Facebook. If you want to try starting over, DO NOT LOGIN WITH Google, use Facebook. If you…
  • I should start a new thread. I've started several games on different android devices. The only game that seems to mostly function is the one where I ONLY connected to Facebook. I skipped the Google account selection entirely and that game has been the least problematic. (It still has issues but I'm able to progress.)…
  • I have multiple Android devices so I was able to kind of test the waters. The only game that hasn't gotten stuck is the one that's ONLY connected to Facebook. All the ones that were logged into both, even if they were disconnected from Android later, all have issues. It doesn't seem like Google Play Games works well with…
  • Right. If you click a goal and Perry texts, just say you're not ready. The goal should remain highlighted but you don't have to spend K-gems to start it right away.
    in Umm no Comment by Rjct February 2016
  • The game is just riddled with bugs and needs to be fixed, overall. But I've made it farther by only connecting to one account. I initially made the mistake of choosing a Google account AND connecting to Facebook. I made a new game just using Facebook and there are still a ton of glitches but I haven't gotten completely…
  • I'm having the same issue. I believe the problem is actually related to Facebook sync. As soon as I logged into Facebook all of my goals suddenly disappeared. I'm not sure there's a fix other than starting over. I wouldn't mind that, necessarily, but don't want to do it until I'm sure a forthcoming update won't fix…
  • If you need more Android friends, circle me on Google+ https://plus.google.com/+NikkiSaurusRex/posts/M5RZVLjf7Eg it usually takes a few days for us to show up in each other's games. You can also add http://facebook.com/thatausten

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