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StageofHistory · New Member


  • **** it!!! Silver League, and I need 2nd/3rd place to Craft the Ruby (after I foolishly won the League on Monday). I overtook the guy in 1st place earlier, even though I knew what would happen... So now I'm on 70 points, and the other top 3 or 4 players behind me are just standing still. I can only hope the guys lower down…
  • RE my OP... I lived in hope that 50 wins / 200pts would be something meaningful to give the 50 Gold, but nope... Didn't play anymore after that.. I was banking on an extra 50-100 Gold to top-up and ease me through on the Tesla in the Global, but I guess I won't be getting too much sleep for the next few days now.
  • Its started 90 minutes ago... Always Thursday through Sunday, with 24 hr Leagues Mon, Tues, and Weds. I live in the UK, where on Summer Time the events start and end at 08:00am (GMT+1). During the Winter months, it would be 07:00am for me.
  • I'm at nearly 200 now... So I guess I'm out of luck. I missed out on Gold yesterday too re the Server update, so this has been a bad week all-in-all :( Thanks for replay, though... G1:SoH
  • This week... A push notification to my iOS said that as a result, the leagues will be one day shorter.
  • Not as far as I know... I would of thought that I f you've qualified for the League in the Global then you're in whatever. But I may be wrong- I've never finished outside the top 20 as I always go for the easy gold. What OS are you playing on?
  • I've not had to restore or transfer the game to a new iPhone, but RMorr50912 is right... Back-up the old phone and then 'restore' the new iPhone from that when asked - You don't want to select 'Set up as new iPhone', and it's a lot quicker to do this from iTunes rather iCloud. HOWEVER- Not sure if it matters for CKS, but…
  • I past 7500 AP, which was good for 75th-ish place and 35 parts... This week forced me to play a lot harder and spend way more Gold than I'm used to in order to place <90... People really want that Lv9.5 Heavy!
  • It should be shown in the Store... One entry for Crafting, but another adjacent available for purchase, which should now show 'OWNED'. Tap it, and select 'EQUIP'... If it isn't there, then I don't know what to suggest other than contact Glu customer services directly. Good luck! SoH
  • That makes sense now... iOS dailies always have 30 players. Sounds like the player grouping in the leagues may be OS specific, but the actual matched PvP battles are cross platform, as is the weekend event's table. I would love to only have a handful of rivals... 100 AP as a minimum target is a given, but that's barely…
  • Sorry for a basic question, but are you saying that the multi-day tournaments and/or day leagues are separated between Android, iOS, and Fire? I didn't know that! I see a lot of the top ranked players on the All-time boards hitting me for diamonds, although a number of them don't show-up on the iOS-only Game Centre…
  • I'm not on Kill Club yet, but have noticed slightly longer load times across the game, when moving back to the PvP Matching page, and even more so on Champaign, but nothing like the delay you're getting... iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 8.3.
  • I pretty sure upgrade for Gold is instant, for both Base and Weapons... Another carrot dangled to encourage you spend REAL money!
  • I know what you mean! I thought after crafting all the Silver Lv 8.5 weapons I could have a little break to catch-up on some sleep... But that new heavy is twice as powerful as my Atlas!!!! Do I really need it and all the bloodshot eyes that come as well? Probably not... But Glu sure know how to suck me back in! And I…
  • That's just the limit... Before the last update it is was 60! What disappoints me the most is that any XP you gain after you reach the ceiling will be lost, and won't be added to your level when the limit is eventually increased, like with other games I've played.
  • I've had this problem too many times, as well as after a successful PvP when trying to load back to the matching page... Very frustrating to lose your streak like that, particularly now that bar is set even higher in the tournaments! Glad to hear a fix may be on the way- Maybe a local cache of data that can be held until…
  • I'm also getting very frustrated that diamonds are being taken from my safehouse after being banked or rewarded... I've had numerous times that thousands are taken from my vault after defence losses, and there's no way that much had built up since I last banked. I'm playing on iOS.

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